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As Molly and Jordan walked through the door, Molly couldn't stop herself from smiling. Jordan had donned a baseball hat and sunglasses all day, hoping he could get away without being recognized. It worked most of the time. He had showed her almost all Boston.

Jordan took Murphy out for a needed walk and Molly slipped off her shoes. She was glad Jordan had her put on tennis shoes before they left. He promised her she would not regret it and he was right. Before they had come home, Jordan stopped at a hill that overlooked the city. He and Molly sat quietly, taking in the sunset. He told Molly that whenever he had something big to think about, he came to this place. He found it when he was fifteen, after he had needed some space and took off on his bike. Molly sat there with him and listened to him tell her how looking down at the huge city always reminded him of how small he was. He found it peaceful and it helped him think.

"I've never taken anyone here before," he said.

"Why me?" she asked.

"Because you're you." He said it so sweetly, Molly almost leaned in to kiss him herself. Then in typical Jordan fashion, he added, "Also because I know you have no idea where we are and that you'll never be able to tell anyone."

It had been a wonderful day. Jordan was a great host. He made her laugh and answered all her questions. Molly was sitting on the couch taking it all in when her phone began to play "Loser" by Beck, her new song for Zoe.

"Hey, Zoe."

"Where you been, beyotch? I called you three times today."

"Jordan took me on a tour of Boston. It was amazing. He is amazing."

"Did you sleep with him?" Zoe asked excitedly.

"No! He doesn't feel that way about me. He was just being a good friend." She twirled a strand of hair around her finger as she glanced toward the door.

"Uh huh. I'll believe it when I see it."

"Are you coming to see me?" Molly asked excitedly.

"Soon. I'm trying to work it out. My dad has a business trip to Scotland next week and has insisted we all come along for fun. The only thing I'm looking forward to is finding out first-hand if the men are really naked under their kilts."

"Wow, that sounds amazing."

"Looking under kilts?"

Jordan walked in with Murphy.

"Going to Scotland," Molly laughed. "I miss you."

"Miss you too. I'm in need of an update."

"Jordan... Zoe says hi."

"He's there, huh? Guess I'll get one later."

"Tell her I said hi, too," Jordan said with a yawn.

"All right, talk to you later. I want to know how he kisses next."

"I can't believe tomorrow is Monday already. What time is my fitting?" Jordan asked as Molly put down her phone.


"Will you be there?"

"Do you want me there?" Molly asked.

"I'd like your opinion. You have good taste," Jordan stretched his arms above his head.


"You're welcome. I'm taking a hot shower and then going to bed. I'll see you in the morning."

Jordan started off toward his room. "Jordan... thank you again for today. I can't tell you what it meant to me."

"Me too. I'm glad I could share it with you." He smiled as he walked away.

Molly ran her hands through her hair and stopped herself, laughing. He was rubbing off on her in more ways than one.



He had slept until eleven. Molly had nervously called him and woken him up to remind him of his fitting. Jordan and Murphy arrived at 12:30. Jordan was never late for anything. It was the controlling part of his personality. When it came to business and the people he cared about, he was in complete control. At 2:50, Jordan was still on the phone with the construction company for Sidney's house. They were tiling the roof and hanging new drywall. The owner had told him that it should be ready for Sidney to come back in a week or so. Jordan wondered if Molly would move into Sidney's place once it was ready, or stay with him. In his mind there were pros and cons to both options.

Molly had walked up to him while he was on the phone. She began scribbling on a piece of paper. As he continued to talk to Alex, she held up a note that said, "Fitting - 8 minutes!"

Jordan nodded to her and gave her a thumbs up as she strolled away. He finished up his call and went backstage to the dressing room where the fitting was to take place. Stacey Moore, his stylist, was standing with Molly as they looked through two racks of clothes.

"Your mannequin has arrived. Clothe me." Jordan put his arms out wide and stood there with his eyes closed.

"Do you want me to undress and redress you or do you prefer to do that yourself?" Stacey asked sarcastically.

"Decisions... I could use a good undressing. What do you have for me?"

Jordan noted that Molly's face darted to the floor.

"Okay, so I was thinking of tour clothes first. I know you like to be comfortable and I have a good mix between dressy jeans and casual pants. I also have button-down shirts, nice t-shirts, and a few classy pieces."

"Sounds good, let's get started." To Jordan, this was just another part of his job.

He took some clothes and shortly after, came from the back dressed in black jeans with a white and black striped shirt. "What do you think, Molly?"

"You look good. I like it."

"Next." Jordan attempted to walk away, but Stacey stopped him and started pinning things and straightening out his clothes, stepping back occasionally to take another look.

The next hour was more of the same, trying on shoes as well. Molly pretty much liked everything except a yellow shirt. Jordan had to agree.

"Okay, you're almost done. I have three suits and two tuxes for you to try on and then we should be set."

Jordan tried on the double-breasted black tuxedo first. He sauntered back into the room, running his fingers through his hair. Molly's expression puzzled him. Her already large blue eyes grew wider as she stared at him with her mouth frozen open. "Good or bad, Molly?"

"Um, g...good. I think I should probably go back to help Sidney." She stood with her eyes cast downward.

Jordan's lips curled upward as he adjusted his tie and walked over to her. "If I were wearing this tux and I asked you to donate money to 'Hopes for Tomorrow,' what would you say?"

Molly glanced up at him, then down again. "I think I might say yes to pretty much anything." She smiled shyly before leaving the room.

"Did she say anything?" Jordan asked Stacey.

"I'd say that one's a keeper."

"The girl?"

"The tux, Jordan, but something tells me you could probably have the girl too."

Jordan smiled, then frowned as he ran his hands through his hair and looked toward the door. 

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now