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Chapter One


Molly twirled a strand of hair around her finger as she stared at the computer screen. She couldn't take her eyes off the picture of Jordan Knight on his website.

"These contests aren't real," she said as she reluctantly pulled her eyes away.

"It is real." Molly's best friend Zoe was determined to convince her. "Jordan Knight's Fan Club is having a contest!" Zoe shrilled in delight. "I don't know how I missed this. The deadline's tonight. It says one lucky fan could win a weekend date with Jordan in Boston, all expenses paid, two weeks from today. Holy shit, Jordan Knight! Molly...Molly? Did you hear what I said?" Zoe slammed her open hand on the table.

Molly's head shot up. "I heard you, I just don't buy it."

"How awesome would that be?" Zoe said excitedly as she vibrated in her seat.

Molly furrowed her brows as her eyes scanned the page briefly before looking back to Zoe in disbelief. "Please. No one ever wins those things. They're fixed. Why in the world would Jordan Knight want to take the risk of having some dog for a date for the whole weekend?"

"Molly, I'm telling you, it's for reals! Apparently its part of a promotion he's doing before his new tour starts in July. So, his fan page has been doing all sorts of giveaways as a part of the promotion. It all leads to the grand prize of the date. Damn girl, he looks so fine on the CD cover. Just look at him."

As Zoe pointed to him, Molly's big blue eyes locked onto his picture. Jordan Knight was dreamy. He was tall, dark and handsome with that five o'clock shadow he almost always had, and brown eyes to get lost in, but he looked different in every picture. In the professional pics he looked hot and steamy. In his everyday pics, he looked just like a guy you could pass on the street; sunglasses on, messy hair poking out from under a baseball cap, flannel shirt, jeans and tennis shoes. Molly didn't care. She found him absolutely adorable. It didn't hurt that he had a voice like an Angel, was LOL funny, kind, and charitable all at the same time. He couldn't possibly be real. No guy was really like that. It had to be a PR stunt.

"Come on. I know you like him. Why not enter? What do you have to lose?" Zoe asked as she flailed her hands in question.

Molly and Zoe had gone to one of Jordan's concerts two years ago when he came to Chicago on tour. Molly had heard of him before that, but Zoe really got her interested in his music after making her watch countless interviews with him where he was absolutely charming, self-deprecating and hysterical all at the same time. When Molly saw him in concert, Zoe couldn't get her to look away from him. It was as if he were a tractor beam, pulling her in.

"So?" Zoe impatiently tapped her fingers as Molly stared at the screen. "What do you think?"

"What do I think about what? He's Jordan, he's hot, and the contest isn't real. I'm telling you, no one really wins that stuff." Molly yawned as she adjusted her glasses on her face. She had stayed up all night writing her Abnormal Psych paper and was too tired to put in her contacts. "Are we going to order something or what?" Molly picked up the menu from the table at the campus grill and scanned the page.

"I'm going to prove you wrong. I'm entering your name."Zoe situated the laptop in front of her and determinedly began typing on the page.

"Whatever," Molly said. She pulled her long brown hair back into a ponytail and fastened it with a tie from her wrist. She attempted to read the menu with unfocused eyes. She didn't want to eat, but Zoe had begged her to come with her to the grill after class so she could see Chris, the hot new waiter Zoe was interested in.

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now