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Molly checked over the test one final time, closed the booklet and made her way toward her professor.

"Have a great summer, Molly."

"Thank you Dr. Kelly, you too."

Molly glanced back as she walked out the door and saw Zoe twirling her hair and writing intently. Molly breathed a sigh of relief. She was done. Now she just had to wait for her grades. She was glad that she and Zoe had practiced writing essays about the assessment of and treatment methods for generalized anxiety disorder. It was one of the essay questions on the test. Molly reviewed her answers in her mind and felt confident that she covered the questions thoroughly.

A few minutes later, Zoe danced out of the room. "We're done. We are finally done!"

Molly smiled and then Zoe frowned. "That means you are about to leave me. Oh, the agony of it all!" Zoe placed the back of her hand on her forehead, being overly dramatic as usual. She quickly removed it and returned to normal. "Have you started packing?"

"Nope. You?"

"No." They both laughed and walked arm and arm back to the dorm. ''Seriously though, you are going to call me every day right? Oh by the way, I have a little something for you in my room. Come with me." Zoe pulled Molly to walk faster.

Molly felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of her shoulders until she thought about living in Boston without Zoe for two months. She was going to miss her terribly.

"Okay, I know I'm still driving you to the airport and that we're going out to dinner tomorrow night, but I need to give this to you now. I can't wait any more!"

"What did you do?"

Zoe opened her closet door and removed two large gift bags with pink and orange tissue paper peeking out the top. Zoe put her hands to her mouth and smiled. Then she started to clap. "Open it!"

"What is this? Why would you buy me a present?" Molly asked.

"Well, I am going to try my best to come to see you for your birthday, but I wanted to get you a little something now, just in case."

"This is too much!"

"You don't even know what's inside. It's also a good luck in Boston/thank you present for helping pull me through my psych finals. I couldn't have made it without you."

Molly put her hands on her hips. "Now you're just making excuses."

"You know I love to shop. Open it for fuck's sake!"

Molly pulled the paper out of the bag to find multiple wrapped boxes inside. She smiled and sighed at Zoe as she sat on the bed, opening one by one.

When Molly had finished opening them all she took an inventory. She had received: Red lacy lingerie with red thong panties and garters, which Zoe had said was 'just in case' and a special joke from her text to Jordan; a journal; a framed photo of Zoe and her from the end of freshman year to take with her to Boston, so Molly wouldn't forget about her—as if; three blouses of various colors; two sundresses; four skirts in varying lengths; a new pair of heels; earrings; a box of condoms 'ribbed for her pleasure' because Zoe said they were the best—again, 'just in case'; a box of replacement truffles; two tubes each of body cream; soap and bubbles (Molly's favorite scent); a baby doll nightshirt that was semi-transparent; and six matching bras and panties.

Molly felt overwhelmed and undeserving. "I can't accept all this!"

"You can and you will or you'll hurt my feelings. By the way, make sure you pack tampons and fill your birth control prescription too."

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now