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Molly splashed cold water on her face in her bathroom in Jordan Knight's home. She would literally be across the hall from him. She bit her lip and mentally smacked herself in the face for letting her mouth work faster than her mind. The minute she saw his bed and thought of him naked in it, she felt her body start to tingle. She didn't mean to say what she was thinking. She could tell he enjoyed watching her squirm. He kept getting closer and closer to her. Molly could feel her body tense at his stance. He was so close he could have kissed her. For a moment, Molly had thought he might. Her skin felt like it was boiling. She knew she had to be as red as an apple. Zoe would have looked up at him and asked to see the magic.

Molly was such a chicken. She couldn't even raise her head just a little. She could have felt his lips. Damn, she might have kissed him if the nearness of him hadn't sent her into a mental tizzy. Hadn't she been thinking about his mouth for weeks, for years? And then, when she could feel his breath on her face, she bolted- so dumb. Ugh! What was wrong with her? She wished she could go back and do it all again. It wasn't like she was a prude. Molly had never backed down from a challenge from any man. Usually they were intimidated by her confidence and they slinked away. How could she face him again?

"Molly, are you ready?"

She looked at herself in the mirror and smudged away the black streaks from her eyeliner under her eyes. She lifted her chest and her eyes to the mirror, took a deep breath and headed out toward the TV room. Jordan was sitting on the floor with various open cartons of Chinese food, two bottles of water, two plates, two forks and a pile of napkins.

"Hope you don't mind leftovers."

Molly couldn't help but smile. "It's perfect."

She sat down next to him on the floor and he turned on the TV.

"This must be Star Wars week," he said with a laugh. Molly looked up to see 'Return of the Jedi'.

"No way!"

Jordan handed her carton after carton. They sat there in silence, eating, drinking and watching Star Wars together. To Molly, this was a perfect date. Twice their elbows touched and twice Molly had to catch her breath. He was so close she could smell him as much and as often as she wanted to without him noticing. Murphy skipped over and placed his head on Molly's lap.

"He likes you," Jordan said.

"Well, I like him. How old is he?"

"He's two, going on three. I love him more than anything."

Molly looked at Jordan and sighed. She could see how he felt. It was written all over his face.

"He's been with me through a lot. He goes with me to the studio sometimes and I usually take him to the stage for practice. That's where we're going tomorrow. It's our first day of running through the set for the tour. This is where we set lighting, test sound, and practice stage set up. He usually just makes himself at home anywhere."

Molly nodded, took one last bite and then had to put her fork down. "I'm so full I don't think I can move."

"You were pretty hungry!"

"Are you insinuating that I ate too much?"

"No, I would never say that out loud." Molly nudged him with her arm and then a yawn escaped.

"Tired? It's been a long day."

"What time is it?"

Jordan hit the remote on the TV and the screen said 1 a.m. "Whoa, that's 3 a.m. your time."

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now