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MOLLY YAWNED AND closed her book before glancing at the clock for the third time in ten minutes. Why did the last few minutes of waiting always go by so slowly?Molly scuffled to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. She had an 8:00 a.m. class in the morning and would need to go to bed right after she finished talking to Jordan. She smiled to herself before she spit out her toothpaste. She loved hearing from him right before she closed her eyes. His voice was so sexy. Sometimes it would rile her up and she'd lie awake for hours, thinking about him. Other times his voice would soothe her and make it easy to fall asleep. Considering she needed sleep, she hoped for the latter tonight.

Molly threw on her oversized t-shirt, brushed out her hair, removed her contacts and lay down on the bed. She remembered their last night together; the last time she saw him. Sidney had tricked her into coming to his concert so he could tell her how he felt. She remembered every word he had said to her, especially when he told her he loved her too. She'd flown into his arms and he had kissed her without a second thought. It wasn't a chaste kiss, either. His mouth had fed on hers with a desperate hunger, one she felt as well. They must have stood there devouring each other for over twenty minutes before Sidney knocked and asked if they were okay. When she unlocked the door and peeked in the room, they were laughing while they kissed and waved to her, but they never left each other. Sydney chuckled and closed the door again. Molly had heard her tell Dave not to let anyone disturb them.

As Jordan's tongue had expertly explored her mouth, his hands had begun to explore her body. Molly had been unable to help herself; she'd reached behind him and grabbed his ass, and he'd smiled through his kiss.

"You always did like my ass," he said as he kissed her.

"It's true," she replied. "It is a fine, fine ass. I'd like to touch it without so much material covering it."

Jordan immediately stopped smiling as he slid his hand around her waist and pulled her firmly up against him. "If you'd like me to drop my pants right here, I'd be happy to grant your wish."

Molly's faced blushed red at his words. He was so damn confident. The idea of him dropping his pants made her feel limp and needy. Just as quickly, her mind wandered to thoughts of the future. He'd just said he loved her. Now what? She felt herself chewing her bottom lip as her eyes fell to the floor.

He lifted her chin until her eyes met his. "Are you biting that lip because you're thinking of me naked, or because you're worried about something?"

"Both," she said through a nervous smile.

Jordan pulled back slightly and smirked. Molly had to catch her breath. His smile made her weak in the knees. She found herself staring at his lips and wishing they were pressed to hers again.

"There's nothing to worry about, baby. We've already done all the hard stuff. Now all we need to do is be together."

Molly  inhaled deeply, taking in his scent. Her hands rested on his forearms and slowly made their way to his chest. She played with the buttons of his shirt and suddenly wanted nothing more than to remove him of it. The only time they'd been together had been amazing, but she didn't get to touch him the way she'd wanted to.

His eyes trailed her face down to her fingers. She was staring at his buttons and licking her lips. Jordan moaned softly, "You know those little round things in your hands? Well, if you push them through the holes, they actually come undone. Would you like me to help?"

Molly grinned, "You think I'm so taken with your hotness that I can't hold a simple conversation without wanting to remove your clothing?"

"I can't speak for you, but I would love to remove my shirt, your shirt, my pants and your pants. There's just too much clothing between me and the girl I love."

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now