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AS JORDAN LED her inside,  Molly could feel the squeaky wheels in her head twisting and turning. She desperately tried to place pieces of this puzzle together, but realized she was missing too many pieces to ever have it make sense. She watched Jordan cautiously as he opened the door. Once inside, Molly jumped when a tall, muscular man came around the corner.

"I apologize for frightening you, Ms. Porter. My name is Robert Haster. I'm a security expert working for Jordan."

Molly pursed her lips into a fine line as she glanced expectantly between Rob and Jordan. Jordan seemed to be lost in his thoughts and unconcerned about the man in his front room.

"Please, call me Molly," she said as she held out her hand.

Rob shook it and glanced warily at Jordan, as if he wondered what he was allowed to say. Jordan rubbed the back of his neck before he noticed them both staring at him. He quickly widened his eyes before schooling his expression. "I'm sorry. Where are my manners? Have you two met?"

Molly and Rob exchanged thoughtful glances before acknowledging their acquaintance. Jordan smiled briefly as he excused himself and Rob into the hallway. Molly studied Rob as he and Jordan exited the room. He was slightly taller than Jordan, who was almost six feet. His arms looked huge through the fitted material of his shirt. His hair was extremely short, like he'd recently had a buzz cut that was just growing out, and his jaw line was sharp and strong. Molly immediately sensed he was military. There was something about him that shouted courage and honor. Maybe it was the way he carried himself as he strutted into the hall.

It was the first time Molly had been back to Jordan's place since she left Boston. Everything was exactly as she'd remembered it, except for the chill in the air. Molly wrapped her arms around herself as she made her way down the hall. She flicked on the light switch to her old room and smiled to herself as the memories and feelings of the past came flooding back.

She heard the door close and meandered back toward the kitchen. Jordan was standing with his back against the door and flipped the lock with his right hand. He eyed Molly cautiously as she inched closer to him.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on?" she asked with her hands on her hips.

"Yes, I am, but first let me just look at you for a moment."

His eyes were hesitant, as if he were looking at her for the first and last time. Then he studied her with such intensity that Molly felt her body begin to shudder. One look from him and the only thoughts she had were of being in his arms.

She rushed toward him and crushed herself into him, linking her arms around his neck. He accepted her happily and held her tightly, as if her proximity gave him the air he needed to breathe.

"I missed you," she whispered into his cheek.

His hand cupped her face as they separated enough for him to look into her eyes as he spoke. "I didn't realize just how much I missed you until you were standing in front of me. I may never be able to let you go again."

Molly saw the returning pain in his eyes. She was instantly reminded of the events of the night.

"Jordan, talk to me."

He gripped her hand to his chest as he led her to the couch. "Can I get you something? Maybe water?"

"Answers. That's what I want. Give me answers."

As Jordan slowly sat down next to her, she could tell he was practicing words in his head. His lips seemed to move in reflection. "Before I say anything, please tell me that you know how much you mean to me."

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now