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"WHERE'S BUZZ LIGHTYEAR?" Zoe questioned as she plopped into a chair in the grill.

Molly shook her head. "Rob is behind me, four tables to the right. Reading, I believe."

Zoe ran her fingers through her hair before spitting her gum into a napkin. She angled her head to the side to get a look at him. He glanced in her direction through the tops of his eyes before refocusing on his book.

"No need to say hi!" she shouted.

He didn't even look up.

Molly rolled her eyes. "When you acknowledge him like that, it defeats the purpose of him being invisible."

"How can he be 'invisible' when everywhere I look, he's always there? He's like body odor that lingers, even when the smelly shit leaves the room. You may not see the source, but you know it's lurking nearby, waiting to make you cringe or maybe even puke."

Molly studied her for a moment as she played with a chip in her hand. "Wow, Zoe. How long has it been?"

"How long has what been?"

"Since you had sex?"

Zoe's mouth dropped open in surprise. "What makes you think I haven't been fucked?"

"I know you. Something has you twisted and frustrated. I'm pretty sure it's the military man who refuses to acknowledge your existence."

"I don't give two fucks about Lieutenant Read-a-thon."

Molly took a sip of her soda. She bit the top of the straw and squirmed in her seat. "Me thinks you doth protest too much," she sang.

"Seriously, if someone needs a good fuck, I think it's him. Maybe he'd stop walking like he just crapped his pants if he let his load loose."

Molly almost spit out her soda and Zoe smirked.

"I mean, if he can't find a willing participant, I'd be happy to take a look at his junk and blow him once—or maybe even twice. I'm just a giver," Zoe said as she placed her hand over her heart.

"I knew it!" Molly giggled and turned to see if he was still reading. She noticed a small, upward curve of his lips, and she grabbed Zoe's arm from across the table. "Shit!" Molly whispered as her eyes widened and she dug inside her purse.

"What, did you forget to take your pill?" Zoe asked as she shoved a chip in her mouth from the bowl on the table.

Molly pulled out her pen and flipped a little lever before glancing back to Zoe and biting her lip.

"What? You needed to make sure your favorite pen was nearby?"

"It's not a pen. It's a receiver."

"A receiver? What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Rob gave this to me so he could hear me if something was wrong. I forgot I had it on."

Zoe's face turned white. Molly had never seen a reaction like that from her before. She reached across the table and grabbed her hand.

"No... Are you telling me he heard that?" Zoe asked as her voice rose two octaves.

"I'm sure he didn't," Molly said as she shook her head. "It was buried in my purse. I mean, there was no way..."

They both turned simultaneously to stare at him. He slowly raised a finger to his right ear and tapped it. Then he shook his finger as if to say "no-no." His eyes never left his book.

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now