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Asshole! Had he really thought she'd buy that line of crap? That he took Christine because he cared about her? Molly started to consider what he had said and she looked at his beer sitting on the table. She wasn't a drinker, at all, but she really wanted a swig of his. Hadn't his lips been on it? Wouldn't it be like tasting his lips? She was an idiot. She loved him and he didn't care.

The music started to play and people started screaming. She glanced up and Jordan was on the stage. He took Dave's baseball cap and put in on his head backwards. Molly knew the song. It was One Direction's "What Makes You Beautiful". What was he doing?

He started to sing and she felt it. Even though she tried not to let it, that warm, tingly feeling she got whenever she heard his voice covered her like a blanket. She wasn't insecure. She wanted to be mad at him. She didn't want to look at him as he sang to her. If she were enough for him he'd be kissing her not singing. She tried to focus on how angry she felt. She looked up and his eyes locked with hers as he sang. His lips curled and he tilted his head in a playful, apologetic way and Molly couldn't help it. She smiled at him. He was so damn cute. Was he singing to her? Was she letting him get to her when he placed his hand over his heart?

Those words... Did he want her? Molly glanced down at his beer as she touched the dew on the bottle. They're words to a song, Molly. He didn't write them. He was singing words. They don't mean a thing. Her face fell as she thought the same thing over and over to herself. Max and Damien joined Jordan on the stage. Everyone in the bar was cheering. They had recognized him. Girls were lined up reaching for him and screaming. Molly watched him. He was in his element. She wasn't sure what she wanted at that moment but she knew she didn't want to be in the bar anymore. Everyone had stood up except Molly. Jordan probably couldn't even tell she was there. Molly just wanted to go home. She leaned to Sidney, "I'm leaving."

Sidney looked concerned, "Okay honey, my sister will drive us."

"No thank you, I'm just going to get a cab. I'll see you Monday."

"Are you sure?" Sidney questioned.

Molly nodded, hugged her and marched out the door. The cool night air felt good on her skin. She peered over her shoulder toward the door and cringed. She needed to hail a cab and get out of sight quickly before Jordan noticed she'd gone. As she stood waiting, she felt a chill go through her and had an eerie feeling someone was watching her. She glanced behind her, studying the crowds. There were people everywhere, but no one seemed to even notice her. She raised her hand up as a cab rounded the corner and before she knew it, she was home. Home... back to Jordan's, she rethought.

She bent down and petted Murphy briefly before she stood and stared around the empty rooms. She walked over to Jordan's piano and ran her fingers over the keys. Molly wasn't angry anymore. She was lost.



After he'd finished his song, he could barely make it back to her. He signed some autographs and took some pictures. He finally reached the table and she wasn't there.

"Is she in the bathroom?" he asked Sidney.

"No honey, she took a cab home."

Jordan had never rushed out of a place so fast in his life. He sped all the way home. When Sidney had said she went home, there was a part of him that worried she was going home, to her home, in Chicago. He imagined walking through the door and seeing her suitcases lined up. What would he say to her? How could he make her stay with him? Maybe he should let her go. He let Summer go. Summer... Molly was in a different league. There was no comparison. When Summer had told him it was over he felt sad, but he'd never felt like this, like he would do anything to make her stay. His heart hurt in his chest. He needed to just tell her. He would tell her everything. He would ask her to give him another chance. He would confess his past and beg her to give him a chance to become a better person. He would get on his knees and tell her he... Did he? Was this fear or something else? What did he feel for her? How would this work? She was going to be at school. He could picture the camera flashes every time she stepped out of her room. He could see the pain in her eyes when he left her... when he hurt her.

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now