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MOLLY AND Sydney turned the corner toward the bathroom. Molly ducked inside to reapply her lipstick. A few minutes of kissing Jordan Knight and she completely fell apart. She could still feel his erection on her leg and it left her with a pressing need. She smiled as she tightened her muscles, thinking of what the night had in store for them. She knew she missed him, but seeing him in the flesh made her insides warm and tingly. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she thought of him in his costume. The pants fit him snuggly in all the right areas, and the red suspenders on his bare chest... Dear lord, the man was fine.

As she blotted her lipstick with a tissue, she remembered the moment when she saw Jordan come out of the office with Allison Gregory. He looked distraught, possibly guilty, and her heart had dropped into her stomach. Molly frowned as she replayed his words in her mind. Obviously Zoe had gone to the party early and Nate had followed. She wondered what had gone through Jordan's mind when Nate told him she was supposedly kissing another man. Molly shook her head. Poor Jake. He must have felt so betrayed. Her heart ached for him and she decided Damien had had him for far too long.

She opened the bathroom door and saw Sydney speaking to Annie. Annie smiled in surprise as she hugged Molly. It was so good to see them both. In a weird way, it felt like she'd come home. Sydney and Annie went off to get a drink, and Molly explained that she was going to find Jordan.

She made her way through the crowd. There were creatures and clowns at every turn. One particularly frightening zombie costume caught her eye. She continued forward with her eyes trailing backward, taking in the details. She walked smack into a wolf.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going."

"Not a problem, Red Riding Hood," he said.

There was something familiar about his voice. "Do I know you?" she asked.

He nodded his head. She stepped back and eyed him over, rubbing her hand over her chin as she'd seen Jordan do so many times before.

"Judging by your height, I'd say you're not Max."

He shook his head no.

She laughed. "Did we work together?"

His hand teetered back and forth.

"Kind of?" she asked.

He nodded again.

Molly stood with her hands on her hips. "Hmmm... I think I'm going to need to hear your voice again if I'm going to figure out who you are."

He crossed his hairy arms over his chest.

"Curtis?" Madi said with a grin.

"No," he replied.

Molly concentrated hard. He leaned in toward her. "You're not afraid of the Big Bad Wolf, are you?"

Molly's mouth twisted as she tried to place his voice.

"You look as beautiful as ever. Did you see Allison Gregory is here?" She warily followed his pointing finger to where Allison was standing, talking to several men. He whispered in her ear, "Don't trust him," as his fingers trailed down her back.

Molly gasped and turned around quickly, but he was lost in the crowd. Molly felt sick to her stomach and uneasy. She hadn't felt this way since... Molly hurried toward the office door. She had to speak to Jordan.

Just as she reached for the door handle, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She jumped and turned defensively.

"Jumpy little thing, aren't you?"

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now