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MOLLY FELT RELAXED and satiated for the first time in months. She watched as a naked Jordan lit a fire in his fireplace. She pulled her eyes away briefly as she glanced around the room—his bedroom. Then she saw the piano in the corner.

"Did I ever tell you about my dream about you?" she asked as she raised herself up on her elbows.

"Nope. But if it was about me then I want to hear."

Jordan stood as the fire blazed behind him. Molly took in the sight of him and his impressive length. Even when he wasn't aroused, he was a sight to be held.

"My eyes are up here, babe," he said playfully as Molly lifted her eyes to his, slightly embarrassed she'd been caught ogling him.

"I can't help myself," she said as she pointed at him. "I can't believe that fits inside of me."

Jordan tossed his head back as he laughed. "Do you need more proof?"

"I suppose I do."

Jordan sauntered over to her and pulled the covers away from her naked body, surveying her. "Turn over," he said.

Molly listened and immediately felt his hands knead into the flesh on her ass. He positioned himself on top of her as he began kissing her shoulders. Molly could feel him flicking in appreciation against her thigh. "Ready so soon?" she asked.

"I haven't had you in months. Yes, I'm ready. You were staring at me. You think that doesn't turn me on?"

Molly giggled as his tongue danced in between her shoulder blades.

Jordan kissed his way down her back and stopped at the place where her lower back curved to her behind. His fingers teased her skin, leaving goose bumps in their wake. Molly tensed, knowing he was staring at her.

"What are you thinking?" she asked shyly.

"I'm thinking about this beautiful ass raised in the air."

Molly took a deep breath, attempting to find some hidden courage. The room was fairly dark, except for the light coming from the fire. She obliged his desire and lifted herself off the bed, giving him a full view of her from behind.

Jordan moaned in appreciation as his mouth began to nibble at her. Molly gasped. "Jordan, we just had sex. Unless you want to taste yourself, I'd be careful."

"I don't care." He slowly eased a finger into her from behind, and Molly groaned, pushing into him. "I want you. Like this. Is that okay?"

Molly turned her head toward him and smiled.

Jordan positioned himself behind her and eased into her. It was deeper like this, and Molly instantly remembered just how big he really was. "Oh God," she called out.

"Too much?" Jordan stopped and held himself in place.

Molly pushed herself onto him and moaned. Jordan let out a deep breath as Molly took control. She pushed slowly at first, then more quickly, until Jordan took over once again. He lasted longer this time, and Molly was able to really feel every inch of him as he made love to her. As he pushed more deeply into her, he reached his hand around her and gently began massaging her weak spot.

His touch sent her head spinning, and she rose off the bed so that her back was to his chest. One hand pulled her nipple as the other continued its pursuit of her orgasm. Jordan kissed her neck as she wrapped her hand around his head and placed it on the back of his neck, holding on for life. Jordan continued to touch her in all the right places as she found herself building and spreading her legs for his hand. He moaned as he sucked her neck and played her like a concert pianist, knowing all the melodies and combinations of notes that would give her the most pleasure. As she found herself building, he bit her earlobe.

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now