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Chapter Four


Molly stepped out of the limo and took a deep breath. The driver walked her to the door and handed her bag to a security guard standing outside the building.

"This is Molly Porter, the contest winner. Sidney Tyler is expecting her."

The guard checked the list, smiled and opened the door.

The bright sunshine outside made it hard to see when she entered the dark, dimly lit hallway. Molly had to blink a few times to adjust her eyes. She walked through another set of doors and another security guard took her bag. He was big, boisterous, and happy. Molly liked him immediately.

"I'm Dave," he said as he held out his hand to Molly.

Molly smiled and shook his hand. "Molly Porter?."

"Well, can I be your friend then?" he said with a joyful grin.

"You bet!" Molly said as they both beamed at each other. She noticed a woman standing in the doorway watching her.

"Hi," Molly said with a smile as she turned and put her hand out to the woman. "I'm Molly Porter, nice to meet you."

The woman had a genuine look about her that affected Molly right away. She reminded her of her mom. Molly made a mental note that she still needed to call her.

"I'm Sidney Tyler. It's nice to meet you too. We've been talking about you for days now."

Molly's hands clenched and unclenched as she bit her lip. "Good things I hope..." she said with a nervous grin. "Were you expecting an older fan perhaps?"

Sidney laughed out loud. "Actually, I think we wondered about that for a while. You were quite unexpected."

"I like being unexpected," Molly said with a sarcastic smirk.

"Come on. You need to meet Jordan."

Jordan, oh my gosh. Jordan Knight... How could she have relaxed and forgotten so quickly why she was really there? She felt the urge to run her tongue along her teeth and flip her hair. Thank goodness she had enough foresight to check her hair and makeup in the car. She wished she still had her peppermint gum in her mouth. She had spit it out right before getting out of the limo. Peppermint made her stomach less queasy. Right now she was in desperate need of some gum.

The door opened and Molly was led into what must have been a studio. The walls were dark gray-blue and red alternately with sconces that lit them up brightly. She walked past a room with tables of equipment with knobs, sliders, and buttons. There were too many to count. There was another room with rows of guitars and various other instruments. Her heels clicked on the wooden floors as she walked deeper into the studio. She found herself walking to a steady beat.

She saw him before he saw her. She recognized his dark hair, trademark t-shirt and jeans. She had to pull her eyes away from checking out his ass too long, making another mental note to slap Zoe for putting his ass in her mind to begin with. But seriously, his jeans fit him snuggly in all the right places... The faded denim on the back of his muscular thighs was, wow...

"Jordan, this is Molly Porter, the contest winner and your date," Sidney said as she placed her hand on Molly's back.

Molly could feel her heart pounding in her chest like it was trying to make an escape. She couldn't wipe the smile off her face no matter how hard she tried. She was certain she looked like an idiot, but she couldn't help herself. Jordan Knight was standing with his back to her. It seemed like a movie in her mind. She could imagine a wind machine behind him and music playing as he seemed to turn around in slow motion. And there he was.

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