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Molly spent the next few days trying to come to terms with what had happened with Jordan. She had thought about talking to Zoe, but this thing with Jordan was just too personal. She couldn't tell Zoe about Callie and without the story, there was no reference for Jordan's guilt. Molly couldn't help but feel like there was more to his concerns than he was telling her. She just didn't feel like what happened with Callie was all there was.

Molly had been going back and forth to Damien's office and the arena all week. She and Jordan had acted like nothing had happened. She knew it was what he needed. She didn't let herself forget what he had said to her and she knew that she might be able to get him to give them a chance. She just needed to figure out how.

Molly was in the back office of the arena making copies. It was almost the end of a long day. Curtis came in and started talking to her.

"That was some night at the bar, huh?"

"It was definitely interesting," Molly said with a smile.

"What's going on with you and Jordan?"

"Nothing, we just had a little disagreement. No biggie."

"It seemed like more than that to me. Are you two dating?"

Molly felt panicked, "No, no way!" she said as if Jordan were gross.

Curtis laughed. "So I heard someone has a birthday coming up soon."

"Who?" Molly feigned surprise.

"How about if I take you out for a couple of drinks?"

"Oh, thanks but I'm not much of a drinker."

"We could fix that," he said with a smile as he fumbled nervously with his toolbox.

Molly laughed.

All of a sudden Jordan walked through the door. He looked angry. "Curtis, could I please have a word with Molly? Alone."

Curtis could see something was wrong and he hightailed it out of there.

"What's wrong Jordan? Did something happen?" Molly asked.

"I'm not paying you to flirt."

Molly turned and gaped at him. "What?" What did he just say?

"I'm paying you to do a job, Molly. You are supposed to make calls, and schedule appointments. You're not supposed to make date plans and flirt with the staff. Do you think that wearing short little skirts to work is really appropriate?" he asked as he pointed to her legs.

Jordan was really pissed. It made Molly laugh. "You're being stupid. I was not flirting with Curtis nor anyone else on your staff, besides you."

"Well you could have fooled me."

"Really, is something else bothering you?" Molly was actually concerned. She had never seen him this way before.

Jordan ran his hands though his hair. "What's bothering me is that I've put my trust in you to do work that directly impacts my career and my future. If you can't handle the work without thinking about your vaginal needs then maybe you shouldn't be working here."

Molly was shocked, that actually kind of hurt. Was he trying to be mean? She decided that she wasn't going to even try to talk to him when he was acting like an ass. She picked up her papers, glared at him and walked away.

Jordan didn't move. He stood there staring at the wall as she left.

Molly walked over to her desk, put down her papers, took her ID badge off and threw it in a drawer. She leaned on the corner and folded her arms. What in the hell was that all about? She was trying to make sense of the whole thing when Max came up behind her.

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now