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"I don't know what I did wrong. At first it seemed like everything was going just the way you said it would," Molly said, whispering into her phone as she tried to get ready for work.

"Well, you must have done something different. Did you ask him if he was hungry like I told you to? That's total code for oral sex, you know." Zoe asked impatiently.

"He couldn't even speak to me at first," Molly giggled into the phone. "Even though he walked away from me, it was still worth it to see the look on his face when I leaned on the doorframe."

"Oh, I bet it was. I can't believe he didn't jump you! He's better at this than I thought. I have to give him credit where credit is due."

"Well Zoe, I wish I could talk longer but I've got to go. Sidney is going to be here in a few minutes."

"K, love you bitch. Keep those tits perky!"

"Love you too, bitch. Bye."

Molly was trying her best to be quiet. She opted for jeans and a t-shirt today. Yesterday she ran her ass off between Damien, Jordan, the sound guy and the stage manager. The t-shirt was snug, but comfortable. She grabbed a sweater, tied it around her waist, and put her hair up in a ponytail.

Last night had not gone as expected. When Zoe told her the plan, Molly freaked out. She insisted there was no way she could strut half-naked in front of Jordan, but then Zoe reminded her that he needed an incentive to make another move. Molly envisioned having sex with Jordan the whole time she waited for him to come home. She couldn't believe all the time she spent on lighting alone. She was smoldering when she finally saw him. He looked so good. It had been a long time since she had been with someone and she desperately wanted Jordan to take away her ache. She slapped herself mentally every day for not letting him kiss her. She might be waking up with him if she had. Then Molly had another thought and stopped herself. What was happening to her? Was this a job or a contest between her and Jordan to see which one caved first? She knew the answer to that. Aside from occasional touches and platonic kisses, Jordan was a perfect gentleman. He didn't want her and she needed to just come to grips with it and move on. She also knew that when Jordan was near her, all sense of reason went out the door. He made her excited and scared to death all at the same time. He was like a magician casting spells. When he looked at her with his sexy brown eyes, Molly froze and she hated that she wasn't stronger. No more of this! Molly thought.

She straightened out the sheets on the bed she'd just made, grabbed her purse and phone and headed out the door. Just as she opened her door, Jordan opened his. He was dripping wet from the shower and was only wearing a towel.

He ran his fingers through his wet hair, flexing his biceps, then smiled at Molly and said, "Good morning."

Molly was at a loss for words. She looked down but that wasn't a good place to look. Jordan had a small amount of hair on his chest and just the right amount below his belly button. It seemed to be a map and she really wanted to see where it went. His abs were chiseled into one, two, three, oh hell. She had to look away. She could see slight veins in the muscles of his arms. He was an exceptionally beautiful man. She noticed the V his waist formed as if there were an arrow pointing down to where she could find the pot of gold. Molly looked up, then left and right, then closed her eyes. She could feel her skin blush as she considered ripping off his towel and surprising the shit out of him. She could tear it off and fall to her knees in front of him. What would he say? Would he be shocked or let her put her mouth on him? Was this an invitation or a game? Nope, she couldn't do it. He was so... Jordan.

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now