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CLASS MOVED AT a slower pace than normal.
Madi twisted in her chair, feeling uncomfortable from his last smoldering kiss. As her professor wrote notes on the projector, Madi scribbled in her notebook, her mind reviewing the events of the last few days. She'd gone from being deeply in love, to completely lost, to totally broken and full of doubt, and back to head over heels.

Her head popped up as people around her began to gather their things. She quickly transcribed the notes from the screen as the professor explained the paper due before the end of the semester. She needed to focus. She needed to do well in this class if she wanted to keep the internship she had scheduled in January. This class was required for the next one.

The internship was key to graduating and building her resume. She had to think about her future, even now that it seemed Jordan was back in it.

After class, she stopped by the grill to grab some food. She figured he must have been starving; they hadn't eaten since last night on the way home. Rob ordered something as well. As she waited for her food, she approached him.

"Have you gotten any sleep?" she asked.

"I did. You?"

She nodded then bowed her head. "The other day you heard what was supposed to be a private conversation between Zoe and me..."

He held up his hand and interrupted her. "No worries. I'd never break a trust like that. She'd lose it if she knew I heard that, wouldn't she?"

Molly sighed. "Yes, she would. It took her four years to tell me, and we're practically sisters. She's not the type to want sympathy, but she's also not as tough as she acts, you know?"

Rob nodded his head as his brows furrowed. "She's a lot tougher than most people probably give her credit for. Although, maybe not physically."

Molly remembered how easily he'd twisted her arm in the hall, and Zoe was strong. "Most people haven't had your training," she reminded him.

"I count on that," he said as his eyebrows flitted up in agreement.

"What was that thing you did anyway?" Molly asked.

"Jiu-Jitsu," Rob stated matter-of-factly.

"Jiu what?"

Rob glanced over her shoulder. "It's mixed martial arts. I could teach you a couple of moves that, if done correctly, could take down a man three times your size."

"Really?" Molly asked excitedly. "Will you? I hate feeling like a weakling all the time. I'd like to be able to protect myself."

"I'd be happy to. I think it would be a good idea, considering your situation."

Molly smiled briefly as her name was called to pick up her food order.

As she and Rob walked back to the dorm, she reached into her purse and pulled out the pen. "I'm turning this off for a while, okay? No rushing the room?"

Rob glanced down and gave her a single nod.

She fumbled with her keys outside her door, balancing her backpack and the bags of food in her left hand. Once inside, she found him fast asleep in her bed. She smiled as she gently closed the door, careful not to wake him. She stuffed the food into her mini fridge and removed her coat. As she slid off her boots, she studied him, wondering what he dreamed about. His mouth was framed by his trademark dark stubble. She sighed as she visually devoured him. Even though she liked to tease him about his looks, he was unbelievably sexy. Heat radiated off of him like a furnace. He didn't even have to try. He walked, talked, sang and breathed sex. His dark eyebrows and slender nose were truly a work of art. Her eyes explored the muscles of his arms. One was bent behind his head, the other rested on his chest. She took a small step forward and placed a hand over her mouth as she stared at his hands and his fingers. It was then that she noticed a bruise and gash on his knuckles. Her lips pursed as she wondered who or what he'd hit to do that damage.

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now