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AFTER SHE'D MADE up her mind that Jordan was lying to her, she waited for a few minutes before she pressed her ear to the door and listened for him. She slowly turned the key in the lock and was able to slide through the door without Jordan hearing her.

She was grateful that Jordan had forgotten to chain the door. She wondered if he had gone back to his bedroom to shower or sleep. She wasn't going to let him push her away. There was a reason he was acting so out of character. Molly knew he loved her. There wasn't a doubt in her mind.

She tiptoed around the corner, and that was when she heard him shout. She gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. She knew the voice. It was Peter. Everything made sense. He had Jordan.

Images of her dream of Jordan being shot flared in her mind. She shook the thoughts away. She wouldn't let them come true. She frantically twisted and turned, not knowing where to go or what to do. She slowly trudged back into the family room, and that's when she saw Greg, lying in the corner of the kitchen.

Molly's mouth gaped in horror as she stood frozen. She inched toward him and checked his pulse. He was still breathing, but barely. Her face crinkled in fear as she searched his pocket for his phone, finding nothing. She couldn't bring herself to move him to check his other pockets, so she crouched down and placed her hands in her hair. Her eyes darted around the room as she weighed her options. They settled on the shelves near the television, and Jordan's words came flooding in.

Molly crawled into the family room and searched the edge of the TV stand. The little white nub he had told her about was nowhere to be found. She searched all around the stand and bent down to look underneath. It sat near the leg. Molly clutched it in her hand and brought it to her heart as her eyes closed with gratitude.

She stood and placed it on the side of the shelf until she heard a small click. The bottom lowered, and that's when she saw it. It was black and shiny and heavy. She had no idea how to use a gun. She wasn't even sure it was loaded. She didn't have a choice. She'd have to pretend she knew what she was doing. If only Rob were there.


Madi remembered leaving the pen on her bed and her phone in the bathroom. She took a deep breath and slowly tiptoed down the hall, holding the gun in front of her like she knew how to use it. She could hear Peter's voice. She listened briefly as her heart leapt from her chest. She heard Jordan speak. He was okay.

She closed her eyes and quickly slithered into her old room across the hall. Jordan's bedroom door was cracked open enough that she could hear them. She ran to the bed. The pen was gone. She hoped beyond hope that her phone was still in the bathroom. She turned the corner and found nothing.

Molly could feel her chest tighten as the tears threatened to spill over. Just as she was about to let her hopelessness sink in, she heard a buzzing sound. She dropped to her knees to follow it. She lifted the bed skirt and saw it, buzzing away with a call from Zoe. She quickly slid the button when the low battery message appeared.

Molly pulled the phone to her ear.

"I know you're dying to hear about yesterday and I know I said I'd call, but I've been trying to process everything and—"

As happy as Molly was to hear her voice she knew she didn't have much time.

"Listen to me," she whispered. "Call Rob. Peter's here in his house. He doesn't—"

The phone beeped three times in her ear and shut off.

Molly bowed down and her chest constricted. She could only hope Zoe had heard her. She tossed the phone on the bed and held the gun firmly in two hands, creeping across the hall. She paused for a moment, fearing she'd been discovered, but sighed in relief when she heard them talking. She listened carefully to every word he said. She heard his entire confession. When he said Jordan had taken Tessa away twice, she shifted her weight and the floorboard creaked. She gasped and leaned against the wall, hoping they hadn't heard.

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now