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MOLLY ANXIOUSLY SAT through the final minutes of her business law class. After class, "Operation Fool Nate" was in full effect. She and Zoe had devoted several hours into creating their master plan. When class ended,  Molly hurried out the door. Nate was waiting for her with a smile. He was actually really nice, and Molly secretly felt bad for misleading him, but it was the only way she could ensure a proper surprise for Jordan. As they walked back to her dorm, Molly struck up her planned conversation with him.

"So, Nate, I hope you brought a lot of reading material, because it's going to be a long, boring weekend."

Nate smiled. "No need to worry about me, Molly. I'm perfectly content with quiet and boring. I'd rather that than you be in harm's way."

Molly smiled at him as she wrapped her arms across her chest. It was getting colder day by day. "My friend Zoe decided to go away for the weekend. I'm letting her borrow my bags and she's coming to get them in a bit. She's getting dressed up for Halloween. She's going as a hot witch with red hair. Is there even such a thing?"

Nate laughed. "I'm sure many would agree she'd make a great witch." He closed his eyes as regret crept in. "I didn't mean that the way it sounded."

"No worries," Molly said as she taped his arm. "She's been called a lot worse. After she leaves, I'm going to take a nice long nap. I probably won't see you until the morning."

Nate smiled and nodded his head. Molly couldn't believe how well her plan was working. As she walked into her room, she watched Nate make himself comfortable in the lobby outside. Ever since Jordan had told her about him, he'd been following her more closely than usual. Molly closed the door and immediately began getting ready. Zoe had purchased two outfits. One was the witch costume with a red wig, which she would wear over to Molly's. The other was for later. Zoe would change out of the outfit when she got to her room, and Molly would put it on and leave with her bags, pretending to be Zoe. She'd change back into normal clothes at the airport. The sunglasses would definitely help disguise her face. After ten minutes, Zoe knocked on her door. After they had switched clothes, Zoe burst out laughing.

"Holy mother of mother fuckers! You look hot! Wait, you look like me, so of course you do!"

"Did Nate get a good look at you as you walked in?" Molly asked.

"Oh, hell yeah. Probably too good of a look. I think he was checking out my ass. Did you look at the costume I brought over last night?"

Molly shook her head as she produced Zoe's bag from her closet. Zoe laughed as she pulled out a short vampire costume complete with thigh-high stockings and a long black wig.

"Hot!" Molly nodded appreciatively. This covert stuff was fun. "Now, remember the plan. It's a quarter after one now. My flight leaves at four and arrives in Boston a little after at six Jordan's time. That means seven here. You can't leave the room until after I text you. We don't want him to get suspicious."

"I know the plan," Zoe said with a roll of her eyes. "Just go. Have fun and tell the fine piece of ass he owes me twice now."

Molly hugged Zoe, grabbed her bag and placed her sunglasses over her eyes. She adjusted her sexy witch outfit, took a deep breath and slid out the door.

Nate's eyes perked up as Molly, dressed to look like Zoe, came out of the room. "Have fun on your trip, Ms. Parker," Nate said with a smile.

Molly smiled and waved her hand. She didn't breathe until she got into her car. She drove away slowly, always checking her rearview mirror. As she exited the University gates, she smiled and relaxed. She pulled her car over and texted Zoe.

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