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THE DAYS AFTER Allison's death were tough. Jordan was angry and on edge about Peter and Damien. He confided in Molly that he felt he couldn't trust anyone. The night after the press released her name, she and Jordan sat by the fire in the dark, talking through everything that had happened. Jordan tried to give her a way out.

"I've known since the very beginning that I could never deserve you. Every single day, my life becomes more complicated and more difficult to tolerate. I don't know why you stay, and I would understand if you wanted some space from me and some time to think about what a mess I've made of your life since I entered it. I warned you that I would hurt you, and I have. Too many times. No one would blame you if you just walked away. You'd be better off without me."

Molly's mouth gaped at him as he spoke. She stared into his eyes briefly as his words permeated her brain. He was serious and seriously pained. She straddled his waist. It took him by surprise, but he happily wrapped his arms around her as her sleep shirt rose up her thighs. She placed her hands on his bare chest to steady herself, then leaned back and grabbed the tie of the black plaid lounge pants he was wearing. "Your world is complicated," she said through a hush.

He nodded.

"It is kinda messed up."

He nodded again.

She gazed deeply into his eyes as she continued, "But your world is my world. You are my world."

He sighed and rolled his head back. She tugged on his strings to get his attention. "I can't remember a time when I didn't love you. I think back to the years before I actually met you, when I would listen to your voice on the radio or when Zoe would play one of your new songs, and I honestly think I knew it even then. I knew I loved you. Because once I let myself feel the way I feel for you, everything became clear. It's like every moment I lived and every breath I took had a purpose. It was leading me to you. I could never leave you, Jordan. Never. Because no matter how many times the universe tries to pull us apart, we will always be the answer to every problem we face.

"Molly," he whispered.

"So no," she interrupted him, placing her finger on his lips, "I am not, nor will I ever, be better off without you. I won't ever walk away. I need you and you need me."

Jordan lifted his hand and placed it on the side of her head, scrunching her hair. "I'll never deserve you, but God help me, I do need you. I don't know how I ever lived without you. I say that I'd understand if you walked away, but the truth is, I'd never let you. I'd find a way to make you fall in love with me again."

"You're stuck with me. I fall in love with you every time you breathe," she said.

He smiled and took a deep, purposeful breath. Molly sighed and clenched her heart.


Molly placed her final wrapped present under the tree and knelt under the glow of lights, basking in the smell of pine. She reached down and rubbed Murphy's belly as his tail thumped in thanks. The room was dark, except for the tree. She was thankful that she had all her Christmas shopping done early, since she'd been cooped up in the condo for days since the news broke out. Jordan's PR team made a statement to the press. They revealed that the photos had been doctored and that Jordan and Allison had never been together. Jordan announced publically that he was dating someone and had been for months. Out of respect for Allison's family, they didn't release her part in the story. Molly felt guilty for hating her now that she was gone. She might not have wished her well, but she didn't wish her dead.

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now