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MOLLY CLOSED THE door to her room behind her and placed her arm over her forehead as she leaned on the door. A quick trip to the bathroom ended up being an hour-long session with a freshman who didn't know how to tell her parents she didn't want to come home for Thanksgiving. Molly had tried to get her to leave the bathroom, but she insisted they talk there as she applied three layers of makeup.

She sighed and sat down at her desk. She lifted a couple of papers and glanced around the room when she couldn't find her phone. She strained to reach for her purse without having to stand. She pulled it from the bed and the entire contents dumped onto the floor.

"Fuck sticks."

As she scooted to the floor and reassembled her purse, she noticed a missed call from Jordan on her home screen. "Dammit!"

She slowly lifted herself onto the bed as she listened to his message.

She'd wondered why he hadn't called this morning. He was sick? She hated being so far away. She should have been there to take care of him. She desperately wanted to call him back, but stopped herself, knowing if he was ill, he needed to rest. He'd spent so much time worrying about her that he probably wasn't taking very good care of himself. Molly stared at her phone for a few minutes and scrolled through her texts from Jordan. She heard the ping of a new email on her computer, but she ignored it as she opened her photos. The selfie of Jordan and her at the Chinese restaurant was priceless. She adored him.

Her computer pinged again, then again and again. Molly sighed. Her mom must have found some interesting videos about babies for her to watch. She was always sending her stuff to make her laugh. As she opened the laptop, it continued to ping with email after email.

"Jeez, Mom, take it easy!" she said with a giggle.

Just as she was about to open the folder, there was a frantic banging on her door. "Molly? Open the door. Open the door right now! Please open the fucking door."

Molly jumped up and swung it open. Rob and Zoe burst into the room and Zoe grabbed a hold of her arms, forcing her to look into her eyes.

"Are you okay? Are you okay?"

Molly stiffened as she gaped from Zoe to Rob. Even Rob seemed concerned.

"What? What happened? What's going on? Is he here? Oh my God, did he hurt Jordan?"

Zoe and Rob exchanged glances before Zoe took a steadying breath. The emails continued to ping on her laptop.

"Molly, sit down."

"No!" Molly broke away from Zoe's hold. "Tell me right now. Is he hurt? Oh God... is he..."

"Jordan is fine," Rob interjected. He seemed extremely uncomfortable.

"Is it Peter? Is he here?" Molly asked, frantically spinning from Zoe to Rob and back again, hoping someone would answer.

"As far as we know, Peter Markum is sitting in his hotel room in Boston as we speak. There's no danger, Ms. Porter."

"Why did you just call me Ms. Porter again? If everything is fine with Jordan and Peter's not a threat, why did you come rushing in here? Is it my mom?"

Zoe pursed her lips as she took deep, steadying breaths. She seemed to look to Rob for some sort of comfort. He turned his head to her and shook his head as if he didn't know what to say.

Molly threw her hands in the air. "For the love of God, will one of you please tell me what's going on?" Her emailed pinged again and Molly edged through them toward the sound.

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now