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Molly had set her alarm for nine so she had plenty of time to get herself together before she saw Jordan again at noon. She had tossed and turned half the night, replaying the events of the day in her mind. She kept thinking about his smile.

She shook her head and yelled out loud, "Stop it right now, Molly Porter. He is a famous musician who is simply doing his job by being kind to you, just another one of his fans. You are not special, you are not his buddy. He is just another guy with a gorgeous set of hair, a voice that gives you chills and eyes that see through to your soul. Ugh, what's wrong with me? I'm sure he has issues. He must have issues. Everyone is dysfunctional in one way or another. What would Adler do? What would Freud say? You need to stop this craziness and just enjoy yourself. You're in Boston. You're in a luxurious hotel room and you have nothing to fear but fear itself, and... the possibility of a hug before he sends you on your way! Ugh, go take a hot shower. I'm being so stupid. Stop acting the way he expects a fan to act. Be yourself. Treat him the same way you would treat any other man."

That was enough. Molly forced herself to get into the shower and let her mind go blank as the hot jets shot all around her giving her a massage. How could she ever be satisfied with a dorm shower again after this? She was ruined for life.

She put on the big, fluffy, hotel robe and switched on the TV. Her hair was in a pile on top of her head surrounded by a soft hotel towel. She'd have to bring one home for sure. She went over to the coffee maker and began the process of making a cup. Surely some caffeine would help her get her head on straight. She unpacked her bag and tried to decide what to wear. The idea of another skirt made her shiver. She looked at the wedge sandals Zoe had bought for her to wear and then back at her comfy blue Nikes, back to the wedges, then the Nikes. Her feet seemed to be screaming Nikes to her and she decided that what Zoe didn't know wouldn't hurt her. She was, after all, still going to wear the expensive jeans Zoe made her buy. She had to admit, they did fit her like a glove and she was happy at the way they raised her behind up to look like she did a hundred squats a day.

She stared at her sweatshirt. It was so soft and comfy. It was calling to her. Molly remembered there might be a photo op today and Zoe would never forgive her for looking frumpy in a photo with Jordan Knight. She decided the royal blue blouse actually did look nice with the jeans and it was a perk that it matched her tennis shoes, too. On to her hair, Molly took her time and straightened each strand perfectly. She desperately wanted to put it up in a clip on top of her head, but she knew it probably looked better down. Extra moisturizer? Check. Makeup done the way Zoe showed her? Check. Contacts? Check. Now what? It was only eleven. She had a whole hour to kill before she could see him.

Molly decided to make her bed and straighten up the room. She even washed out the coffee pot before she decided there was nothing else to do but go explore. She couldn't stand the idea of pacing the room waiting for any man to come get her, so she grabbed her room key and purse and headed down the hall to the elevator. She had a solid thirty minutes to kill and she just had to keep herself busy.

Molly went down to the lobby and looked around. She couldn't help but be in awe of the grand entrance to the hotel. Someone had painted the ceiling and for a moment, Molly felt like she was in Rome staring at the Sistine Chapel. That's when she felt something grab her leg.

Molly looked down to see a two-year-old boy clinging to her. Molly scanned the lobby to see if anyone was looking for him, but saw no one. She gently bent down to his level. "Hi sweetie, how are you today?" The little boy rubbed his eyes and clutched his blue, torn blanket with his free hand.

"Where's my momma?" he asked.

"I'm not sure but I'd be happy to help you find her. What's your name?"

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now