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JORDAN STARED AT the email address and the twenty plus emails sent to Molly's computer. She could tell he didn't want to open them. She knew he didn't want her to see his picture again.

Something inside of her clicked with his words and his face. She knew him. His reaction was not the one of someone getting caught and trying to apologize; it was of a man who needed the girl he loved to have faith in him.

"It's okay," she said. "You can open it."

He glanced up at her as his body twisted to face her, concern etched on his brows.

"I know them by heart," she explained, pointing.

"I don't want you to ever look at these again," he stated through gritted teeth. "She's obviously trying to break us up. I just don't know why she'd go to such lengths," he said.

"She wants you. It's obvious. Sometimes people want the things they can't have. Maybe she likes the challenge."

He nodded as he watched her lips move. Madi knew he wanted to kiss her, but she wasn't ready for that. Even though she believed him, it was hard for her to look at him without seeing his hands on her body. The thought made her cringe.

"You know I want to kiss you, don't you?" he asked hesitantly, as if he'd read her mind.

"Yes, but please don't try. I do believe you and I love you, but I just need to process everything and let it all sink in. It's still too fresh in my mind. My heart still hurts."

Jordan nodded as he reached around her to bring her close, burying his face in her chest. She drew in a quick breath as his face pressed into her stomach. She put her hands into his hair and rested her head on top of his.

"I understand. I'm just thankful to be this close. I was scared."

"I know," she said, drawing him against her, that familiar tug to have more of him pulling at her heart.

"Do you?" he asked, glancing up to meet her eyes. "I hoped it was all a mistake, but I'm still processing how this happened."

Jordan shook his head as he turned back to her laptop. "I don't know, but I'm going to find out." He lifted his phone from his pocket as it buzzed. "Do you have her?"

Molly's eyes widened.

"Where are you? Okay, I'll be there. Don't let her out of your sight." Jordan ended the call and glanced up at her through the tops of his eyes.

"Who do they have?"Molly asked.


Molly took a step back in disbelief. "She's in Chicago? What the fuck, Jordan? You're going to see her?"

Jordan rose up out of his seat, taking her arms in his hands. "I need to figure this out. I need to know why she did this. She said she'd only talk to me. Please understand. I'm not going to see her. I'm going to get some answers."

Molly sighed. "Well, if you're going, then so am I."

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"I want to kill her," Molly said as she felt the hate rise around her like a cloak.

Jordan smiled and her heart melted. "You and me both."


All four of them piled into her car, with Rob taking the wheel. Zoe sat in the front seat next to him, being a backseat driver. She criticized every turn he made and tried to explain why he should take I-88 to I-294 verses I-55. Rob ignored every word as well as her pointing fingers, frustrated sighs, and imaginary brakes.

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now