01/Part Two

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HIS HANDS GRASPED her neck through her hair as his lips covered hers with an urgent need. She could feel his heat radiate through her as his tongue invaded her mouth. Everything about him screamed sex. The smell of his skin created a pressing need between her thighs. His touch ignited a burn from her toes all the way to the lips he was biting so seductively; the act itself almost caused her release. His hands slipped down her back as they kneaded into her flesh, causing tiny bumps of pleasure in their wake.


Boom, boom.

Fireworks popped and flittered in the sky. Boom, boom, boom. Her body shook with the rumble. Boom, boom, boom. "Bitch, I know you're in there!"

That didn't sound right. Why was Zoe here with them?

"I have food..."

Molly Porter's eyes flickered open. Her arm was numb from where her head rested, cutting off circulation. She stared at the business law book in front of her, desperately trying to remember how she went from studying, to dreaming of Jordan Knight, to hearing fireworks and Zoe's voice.

She shook her right arm, attempting to get the blood flowing again. Her hands rummaged through her long brown hair as she twisted it into a bun before letting it fall once more.

"I seriously can't believe you're ignoring me. I have fucking chicken salad."

Molly turned toward the sound, realizing that she had actually heard Zoe's voice, not just dreamt it.

Molly stumbled to the door and pulled it open.

"Sheesh, what took you so long?" Her gum-snapping best friend, Zoe, pushed past her and into her room, plopping onto her bed with two plastic bags. The smell of food wrapped around her like a blanket fresh from the dryer. Her stomach growled loud enough for Zoe to take notice.

Zoe clicked and popped her gum as she stared from Molly's abdomen to her face. "What in the hell were you doing? I've been standing out there for ten minutes. Aren't you on call tonight?" Zoe asked.

Molly stretched her arms over her head, yawned and nodded. She was a resident assistant in her dorm, and tonight, like most every other night, she was indeed on call. "I was studying; I must have fallen asleep. I've been sitting here reading for hours. My eyes were so tired I thought I'd just close them for a minute."

"A minute, huh?" Zoe asked. "I swear I heard you say Jordan's name. Were you dreaming about him?"

Molly's cheeks felt warm.

"Oh my God!" Zoe laughed as she pointed her hands, still holding their food, toward Molly's face. "Were you having a sex dream about Jordan?"

Molly pursed her lips. "What did you bring me?"

Zoe glanced down. "Oh, I figured you were studying and forgot to eat, so I went to the grill and got you a chicken salad and me a burger. We both know you aren't eating the steak, otherwise known as Jordan Knight, while he's on tour. Although, maybe you were eating him in your dreams." Zoe laughed before blowing a gigantic bubble with her gum. "Oh my God," she mumbled through closed lips. "Get a load of this one. It's huge."

Molly smiled as she stuck her nail into the gum, popping the bubble. "I've never been so happy to see you as I am now," Molly said as she grabbed a tissue, removing the sticky mess from her finger.

"Sure you have. You were happier to see me at the surprise twenty-first birthday party Jordan threw for you in Boston How is the fine piece of ass?" Zoe asked as she gazed at her phone. "Please tell me I'm not in danger of him calling you, because I'll have to eat elsewhere. You two make me want to barf."

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now