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The next couple of days were insane. Molly left before Jordan and Jordan returned home after Molly was asleep. Jordan had ordered tons of food from the Chinese place he liked and they had been eating leftovers daily. On Friday morning, their schedules collided at home long enough for Molly to pass Jordan a cup of coffee on her way out the door. At the arena, they passed each other long enough for a high five but there was no time to talk. Molly had watched the interview with Jordan for the magazine on Thursday and was amazed at his ability to handle difficult questions under pressure. She was starting to see a slight difference between the Jordan she interacted with daily and the Jordan behind the camera.

Jordan would walk up to Molly and Sidney frequently throughout the day to check in for missed calls and schedule changes. He would sometimes squeeze their shoulders before he walked away. Molly thought it was sweet. It was his way of saying thank you and letting them know he appreciated them without actually saying it. At five o'clock on Friday evening, Sidney's cell phone rSidney just as they were finishing Jordan's schedule for next week. Molly walked over to give Damien a copy when she saw Sidney jump up with her phone in her hand and run toward Jordan by the stage.

Molly watched to see what was going on. Jordan took the phone from her and put it to his ear. He smiled, talked a bit, hung up and hugged Sidney before he jumped on the stage and went to the microphone. "I'm excited to let you know that Max is now the father of a 7lb 3oz beautiful baby girl. Mom and baby are healthy and doing well." Everyone cheered and Jordan jumped down. Molly watched as Jordan moved to Damien. Damien nodded his head, smiled and said a few words. Jordan and Sidney walked arm in arm toward the doors, talking the whole way.

"Grab your stuff, Molly. We're going to the hospital."

On the way, Jordan wanted to stop at a florist. Molly helped him pick out a huge bouquet of pink flowers while Sidney got balloons. Molly volunteered to climb in the back with the balloons and she disappeared behind them.

"Sidney, I think we need to go back."

"Did we forget something?"

"I think we forgot Molly." They both laughed.

"Nice, very funny." Molly's voice was muted behind the balloons.

When they arrived in the hospital maternity ward, the hospital staff would not let them through because they weren't family. Then the OB nurse saw Jordan and that was that. They were quickly signed in and escorted to the room. Molly met Annie and congratulated her and Max. Jordan hugged them both and gave Annie the flowers. Sidney and Annie compared delivery stories and Max placed his new daughter into Jordan's arms. Molly watched how careful Jordan was with her and noticed how small she looked in his muscular arms. Molly thought she could see tears prick his eyes but she wasn't sure. Molly wondered if Jordan wanted kids. She knew she did. She wondered what he would be like as a father and came to the conclusion he would be as amazing at parenting as he was at everything else. The interaction between Jordan, Max and the baby made her heart melt. There was nothing sexier than a strong man gently holding a tiny baby.

They weren't there for long before the nurse insisted it was time to go. Molly snapped a few pictures and promised to send Max and Annie copies. Jordan took Molly's hand as they walked out and Sidney shot Molly a surprised smile. Molly shook her head no and Jordan was oblivious to it all. They drove back to the arena and discussed a few upcoming charity events trying to figure out which ones Jordan could and could not attend and which ones they needed to fit in because they were important to him.

"All right ladies, I assume you're headed home."

"Aren't you going home too?" Sidney asked.

"I really should stay a while."

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now