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The station manager from WJOL was talking her ear off. She saw Jordan speaking to Sidney and had to strain herself to hear what they were discussing. She picked up on one word and that was enough for her. "Date"- Jordan was going on a date. She had her answer. She was sure of it now. It was just a game and he wasn't interested in her. He'd obviously made plans to let her know how he felt without having to say it. Molly finished her call. At first she felt so sad she thought she might cry, but within seconds, she suddenly felt stronger than ever. Her stomach growled and she imagined a chicken salad from the grill. She picked up her cell phone and punched in a number.

"Hi, it's Molly. I know this is short notice but do you have any plans for tonight?"

"I have to go to this thing for work, but I would totally love to not go alone. Want to come with me?"

"You really wouldn't mind me tagging along?"

"Are you kidding me? I would love to talk to someone who didn't want to ask me about my brother."

"Callie, you read my mind!"


Callie came by the arena around 6:30. Everyone was happy to see her and she obviously knew them all. Jordan stopped what he was doing the minute he saw her. His serious face crinkled even more as he practically ran to her as she sat on the corner of Molly's desk.

"Hey, everything all right?"

"Well hi, Jordan. It's nice to see you too. You missed me? You're happy to see me? Awww, I'm happy to see you too, big bro."

"Hi Callie. I missed you and I'm happy to see you, now is everything okay? Why are you here?"

"I didn't come to see you, I came to pick up Molly. She's going out with me tonight."

Jordan's eyes darted back and forth between Molly and Callie several times. "You know she's underage. She can't go clubbing, Calie. You know how I feel about your clubbing."

Callie glared at him, "She doesn't look underage and I think it's time she got shit-faced don't you?"

Molly suddenly felt worried. Drinking was not her thing. Maybe going out with Callie wasn't a good idea. She barely knew her. Where did she say they were going? Molly suddenly felt the urge to climb into bed with a book and call her mom.

"You will not take out my underage employee and get her wasted." Jordan said furiously.

"Relax, I was just kidding. First Gate Records is having a promo party tonight and I have to go. Molly is coming with to keep me company. It seems we both have something in common."

"Oh really, what's that?"

"We don't want to talk about you for one night."

Molly could feel the urge to laugh loudly but she managed a snicker instead, which Jordan seemed to take note of.

"And here I thought you both enjoyed my company. I'm hurt," he said with fake angst.

"Oh don't be!" Callie interlocked her arm with his before resting her head on his shoulder. "I can't speak for Molly, but I love you to pieces."

Molly quickly picked up the phone and pretended to call someone. Anything to pretend she didn't hear the question so she didn't even have to acknowledge it.

"Well, be careful and have a good time, okay?"

"We will!" Callie's smile lit up her face. Jordan smiled back, glanced in Molly's direction and walked back toward the stage. Molly suddenly felt empowered.

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now