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After she left her parent's house and headed back to the dorm, Molly called Zoe and left her a message to call her ASAP. Zoe was out on a date with the drummer of a band she met at a bar the weekend Molly was away. Zoe had a thing for drummers. She had said that a man that could move his arms that fast could surely move his fingers that fast as well. She had not found that theory to be false. When Molly would yell at her and tell her she needed to be more careful, Zoe would say she was doing a research experiment for psychology class.

At 2 a.m., Zoe had shown up at Molly's door quite tipsy and demanded to be told what her text was about. Zoe had to run to the bathroom halfway through the story claiming all the excitement was making her have to pee, but Molly was pretty sure she was puking. She spent the night.

In the morning, Molly had slipped out early to do some laundry. She was sitting in the lounge near the washing machines looking at the pictures Sydney had taken of her and Jordan. He was so good-looking. Molly flicked her own face in the picture. She didn't look pretty enough to be standing next to him. After doing two loads, Molly went back to her room to find Zoe still asleep. Molly spent the next two hours studying for finals. When Zoe finally woke up they had lunch and rehashed the entire night's events. Molly had a chicken salad as usual before she went back to her room for more studying. It was 8 p.m. when she got up and stretched, deciding on a break. She started looking at her calendar and planning her trip to Boston. Classes were over on May the eighteenth. She would need a day or two to pack up and get her things together and she should be ready to go on the twenty-first.

Molly picked up her phone to text Jordan, but decided she wanted to hear his voice instead. She couldn't wait to tell him the date she could start work. She dialed the number and waited. The phone rang three times before he answered, only it wasn't Jordan.

"Hello?" A sweet sounding female had answered his phone.

Molly figured she had dialed incorrectly, "I'm so sorry, I must have the wrong number."

"No problem at all! Have a good night."

Molly hung up, sighed and rechecked Jordan's number. She had dialed correctly. A girl had answered his phone. Molly felt like she was suddenly going to vomit.



The band had been running through songs for the tour and had almost had a set list together. They finally wrapped at 7 p.m. Jordan was exhausted. It was only Monday but he felt like he had already put in a week's worth of work. He knew Murphy would be happy to get a walk at a decent hour so he decided to call it a night and head home. It was strange to get home while it was sunny out. Jordan decided to enjoy the weather and go for a nice long walk. He had some thinking to do and he always thought more clearly when he was moving.

He and Murphy had put in a good couple of miles when he felt his phone buzz.

Molly: I checked my schedule and I should be available to begin work on May 21st. Please let me know if that date works for you and how you would like me to proceed, that is, if you haven't changed your mind or found someone else.

Jordan stopped on the street and re-read her text three times. Was it just him or was she being curt?

Jordan: May 21st sounds great. I'll have Sidney get your flight details to you right away. Of course I haven't found someone else! Are you okay?

Jordan scratched his head. She sounded different. He hoped she didn't think she needed to act this way now that she was going to work for him.

Molly: I'm fine, just busy. I look forward to hearing from Sidney. Bye.

Whoa, what just happened? Did she just cut him off? Jordan walked Murphy back home and tried to wrap his head around what he'd just read. Why was she acting that way? Maybe it was her finals. She was probably feeling overwhelmed and working her ass off. She'd told him she had two finals today, one Tuesday, one on Thursday and two more Friday. He couldn't even imagine what she was going through. He started to feel bad for her. He'd never gone to college and he couldn't imagine the amount of studying required, but he clearly remembered high school tests and the thought made him shiver. Jordan picked up his phone and called Sidney.

"Hey! I need you to do something for me right away." 

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now