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SHE AWOKE IN the morning feeling rested and happy as she took in the smell of him. He was still asleep, and she relished in being able to watch him dream. He was so beautiful. His lips were parted slightly as he drew breath, and his chest rose and fell with lingered air. Her hand slowly inched down his chest, to the small patch of hair above the V his waist formed. Something made her steal a glance toward his face, and she saw one eye was open, watching her. He tried to close it before she noticed, but it was too late. She grabbed at his waist and attempted to tickle him, but he grabbed her hands as he laughed.

"Were you watching me the whole time?" she asked, feigning offense.

"You were touching me. Do you think I wanted to miss that?"

"So you didn't mind?" she questioned.

"Touch away, baby."

"I want to memorize you."

"Memorize me?" he said through a yawn.

"Yes. I'm going to miss every inch of you."

"Don't... don't say you'll miss me. Come with me. Come to Australia."

"You know I can't. I have school."

"Screw school. Don't they have online courses or something?"

Molly sighed. "Jordan... please don't."

Jordan lifted himself off the bed as he pushed his fingers through his hair. Molly knew the look too well.

"Spill," she said.

He glanced back at her knowingly, but only shrugged his shoulders in response.

"I would never ask you not to go to Australia," she said as she pulled herself up next to him and gripped his bicep. "Can't you see what you do to me every time I have to choose school over you? It's not fair, Jordan."

Jordan shifted to face her. "You're right. I know I shouldn't be that way, but I hate being away from you. When I'm with you, things make more sense to me. When we're apart... I just don't know." He turned his back again as he sighed heavily and clambered out of bed to the bathroom.

Molly felt a familiar pang of dread as soon as he was out of sight. She heard the shower turn on and considered joining him. She thought better of it and proceeded to gather her things. A few minutes later, Jordan opened the door, dressed only in a towel, and flowed into the room, followed by a cloud of steam. He saw her packing and stopped, staring.

She glanced up at him and reluctantly pulled her eyes away from his dripping body and back toward her mismanaged clothing.

"Please don't pack yet. It's too early," he pleaded.

"I'm just getting a few things together before I jump in the shower too."

"You could have come in with me, you know."

Molly smiled momentarily before her lips curled into a frown. "Another time, maybe."

"There will be other times, you know."

Molly stopped packing and turned to face him. "Am I so easy for you to read now?"

Jordan strutted toward her and pulled her into him. "I just know how you feel, because I can sense your moods. Sexed-up Molly bites her lip. Pensive Molly stares at the floor. Worried Molly keeps her back turned to me so I can't see her face."

Molly smirked up at him as she wrapped her arms around his waist. "What Molly do you see now?" she asked.

"I see the Molly who doesn't want to leave, but can't stay because she has a life of her own that isn't centered around me, although I might like it to be."

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now