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At seven o'clock, Molly found herself yawning. She hadn't been up at six in the morning in a while and was starting to get tired. Once Molly started yawning, Sidney did too.

After a few minutes Sidney told her they should just call it a day. Sidney made her way toward Jordan. He was sitting on the edge of the stage with a clipboard in his hand and pointing to various places as a group of people listened and watched. They all had their own clipboards too. Molly had to force herself to look away from him. He had a way about him. He commanded every room he was in. It was extremely appealing. His facial hair had grown out a bit and Molly had to shake her head to stop from thinking about how attractive it made him look. Nope, I'm not going to do it, she thought.

As Sidney approached Jordan, he stopped and smiled at her. God, he had an amazing smile. Stop, Molly... stop! Molly was starting to see a correlation between being tired and her inability to not think of Jordan in a sexual way. She needed to go to bed early and get plenty of sleep. Jordan nodded to Sidney, glanced over to Molly and peered at his watch. He said something else to Sidney and she shrugged. As she started walking back, Molly noticed Jordan made a sweeping motion with his hand. Everyone started walking away from him. Jordan turned to Damien and they appeared to have an immediate deep conversation.

"What's going on, Sidney?" Molly asked.

"Jordan decided to call it a day."

"I see. Hey, would you like to grab some dinner with me?"

"Oh sorry, sweetie. I promised my sister we'd veg in front of the TV tonight and catch up on our soaps. Besides, Jordan told me he wanted to take you home tonight," she grinned.

"He did? Why?"

"I'm not sure. You should ask him. Goodnight, see you tomorrow around eight, okay? Remember Jordan has an interview. Remind him he should be here no later than noon."

Molly nodded, "Thanks, Sidney."

Molly sat back down at the desk and started to put her folders together. Her feet were beginning to ache so she slipped off her pumps and let out a big yawn.

"Tired?" Jordan asked as he walked toward her. "That damn boss of yours is tough, huh?"

"Naw... he's okay I guess." Molly smiled as she continued making piles and organizing.

Jordan pointed his pencil toward her shoes, "Feet hurt?"

"A bit. Yes, actually a lot!"

Jordan bent down and picked them up. "Come on, let's go home."

Molly felt her heart flutter at the word "home" and she mentally slapped the voice inside her head that started to cheer. Molly lumbered barefoot to the car. Jordan strutted around to her side and held the door for her, placing her shoes on the floor next to her seat. Molly climbed in and got a whiff of him as he stood up. Again, she mentally slapped herself for the way it made her feel. Why did the way he smelled make her feel so damn weak?

Jordan buckled himself in and started to pull away. "Music?"

"Yes, please," Molly said. "How about one of yours?"

"No! I don't like to listen to my own stuff." He pointed to his radio, "There's a bunch of music programmed in. Just scroll through and pick something."

"You're trusting me to pick music? I feel so honored."

"Just play something." Jordan sighed at Molly's obvious sarcasm.

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now