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MOLLY PATIENTLY WAITED outside Zoe's dorm room for her to grab her books. She hadn't seen her since she'd been back. Zoe had caught some kind of "bug" and had been in bed since Halloween. Molly had so much to tell her.

The door flew open, and Zoe stepped into the hall. Sunglasses covered her eyes, and her nose had a red tint from too much blowing. Molly smiled for a moment at the outfit Zoe had thrown together. She was wearing her pink sweats with the color branded on her rear, a white sweatshirt with a red flared sweater over it, and her red mule slippers. For most people, this would look ridiculous, but for some unknown reason, it worked for Zoe. She could make anything look good.

"Don't come near me," she said, holding up her tissue-filled hand to Molly. "If I didn't have a test today, I'd still be in my fucking bed."

Molly grinned as she grabbed Zoe's backpack from her shoulder. "I missed you."

"Yeah, yeah... I'm sure you were thinking about me the whole time you were licking his abs."

Molly laughed as they walked out the door.

Rob stood as they approached and took the backpacks from Molly.

"Who the fuck are you?" Zoe asked as she slid her glasses down her nose just enough to get a look at him.

Molly cleared her throat. "Zoe, this is Rob, my new security guard."

"Ms. Parker." Rob nodded his head to Zoe.

She turned to Molly and pointed her tissue-filled hand at Rob. "What the fuck happened to Nate?"

"Mr. Matthews was needed elsewhere," Rob explained.

Zoe glared back at him. "I wasn't talking to you, sweetheart, but since you're so anxious to talk to me, maybe you can tell why you're here and why you look like you eat puppies for breakfast."

Molly chuckled to herself. She hadn't had the chance to warn Rob about Zoe. Zoe hit the nail on the head. He looks like he ate puppies. His tough-as-nails exterior was intimidating.

Molly grabbed Zoe's arm and pulled her forward as she stood motionless, staring at Rob and waiting for an answer. "What?" she asked as she wiped her nose. "He only talks when you give him permission? That's pretty fucked up, Molly. Actually, I think I'm pretty fucked up." Zoe stumbled alongside Molly as she glanced back to Rob, following them cautiously. "I'm starting to think I should have used that stupid little cup they give you with cough medicine instead of just taking a swig before I left."

"Zoe! How much did you take?"

"Not that much. Jesus, Molly, don't look at me like that. I fucking drink jack and coke for breakfast. I can handle a little medicine. I'll probably get an A on my test because of it."

Zoe turned back toward Rob as they walked. "What do you like to drink with your puppies for breakfast? Kitten milk?" She laughed. "You look like the kinda guy that has them hooked up to little pumps."

Rob kept a straight face and didn't say a word.

Zoe stopped in her tracks. "Cat got your tongue, Buzz?"

Molly grabbed her elbow and lurched her forward. "What?" she asked in surprise.

Molly whispered, "Please try to be nice. I'll explain everything later. After class I'll stop by the grill and grab you some soup. I'll meet you back at your room, k?"

"Thank you, beyotch. I'd kiss you, but I'm pretty sure you don't want the cold I got from the football player. I should have just stayed in your room and finished the Doritos."

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now