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Molly knew that she was letting too many emotions show. She had calmed down after she wrote in her journal and had accepted the fact that Jordan had spent the night with Callie. She "popped her head in" while he was in the shower... How fucking sweet of her. What had really set Molly off was the fact that Jordan thought she might want to ask her how he was in bed. Had she thought about making love to Jordan? Of course, but she wasn't going to ask Callie how it felt to have his mouth on her and his length inside of her. God, did he think she was that desperate for any information about him?

He really had dropped several points for her and she had decided that he was indeed a dick just like all the other men she had dated and analyzed. This was really for the best. She knew she'd find his faults eventually. It was good that she was able to see his issues. He was a womanizer. Molly was patting herself on the back for not allowing him to kiss her last night. See, I always need to trust my instincts, she said to herself. She'd known she could find something despicable about him. Molly could feel her stomach growl. All she had the whole morning was coffee. Molly had a taste for chicken salad. It made her smile, because all along she had known that it was the best thing for her.

Molly and Jordan pulled up to the doors of a large arena. Jordan and Murphy stepped out and a man came around to Molly's door to let her out.

"Good morning, Mr. Knight."

"Good Morning, Felix, and please, call me Jordan."

The man smiled at both Jordan and Molly before he got in the car and drove it away. Molly glanced up and around. The place was seriously impressive. She followed Jordan through the doors where a barrage of uniformed security jumped up at his presence.

"Hello everyone. Glad to see you again." Jordan roamed around and shook hands with several people before he turned toward Molly.

"This is my new assistant, Molly Porter. Please show her the same respect and consideration that you show me."

Molly smiled and waved. She followed Jordan through the double doors and was soon standing at the back of a huge room. Way up toward the front, Molly could see what seemed like one hundred people putting the stage together. Half of them had clipboards and the other half were moving pieces of the stage around. Jordan looked back at Molly and grinned like a kid in a candy store. "I love this part."

Molly grinned back at him. She was going to be working for him for two months so she just needed to get over it.

Jordan led Molly to the left where there were desks set up and the lighting was much better. She could see Sidney sitting at a desk with piles of paper all around her as well as several phones, two cells and three cordless landlines. Sidney waved to Molly and Molly was über excited to see Sidney's smiling face. Molly walked over to her.

"Ready?" Sidney asked.

"I sure am. Just tell me what I need to do!"

"First and foremost, did you bring your passport photo and the paperwork I asked you to fill out?"

Molly nodded and dug into her bag, producing what Sidney had requested.

"Larry?" Sidney called. A younger man in jeans and a t-shirt came running over. "I need you to put a rush on this. Just pay the fees. We need this in no later than a month. A week would be better."

Sidney pulled out a chair next to her and motioned for Molly to sit down.

"Before we get started I need to cover some basic rules with you."

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now