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MOLLY WAVED AT the door as Zoe pulled away in her car with Rob a short distance behind. Jordan had to order him to take the night off. He was reluctant, but after a quick call to Dave confirmed Peter Markum had not left his apartment in Boston, and one of his associates would be with Jordan for the night, he conceded.

Molly watched Jordan speak to him in private before he left and wondered what he was mumbling in his ear. Allison Gregory was confirmed to be hiding out at her family's home near San Francisco, and there had been no news of her alleged blackmailer. The whole situation with her had really thrown them all for a loop. She and Jordan had only briefly discussed her on the phone. There was still a lot they didn't know about her and why she was so afraid of telling Jordan the name of her blackmailer.

Molly turned back to the kitchen to finish helping her mother put away the last of the dishes. Jordan sat in the family room with Molly's father and brothers.

"You okay, Molly?" her mother asked as she dried a bowl with a towel.

"I'm great. Better now that Jordan's here."

Molly's mom smiled, but she could see the worry in her face.

"He loves me, Mom. He really does."

"I know he does," she nodded. "I can see the way he looks at you. This thing between you—it's serious, isn't it?" she asked.

"It is." Molly nodded. "He's different from any other man I've ever known. I mean, I know he's the only famous musician I've ever dated, but even if he weren't famous, even if he were just a normal guy with a normal life, I'd still love him."

She smiled and sighed.

"He's so good to me. He always puts me first, over everything. He doesn't have to say the words for me to feel his love. All he has to do is smile. He makes me laugh. He makes me stronger." Molly beamed and her mother sighed.

"He's quite a catch. You could do far worse."

"She could also do better," Michael added as he entered the room and placed a glass on the table, falling into a chair.

Molly pursed her lips and glared at him.

"How do you know the pictures weren't real?" Michael asked. "How can you be so sure he's telling you the truth?"

"Michael, I just know, okay? You need to stop. You never cared who I dated before now. Why all the concern?"

Michael shrugged. "I know I haven't exactly been the best brother in the world, but I see how you look at him. You're different with him. I don't want him to hurt you."

Molly hugged him and he patted her back. "He's not going to hurt me, okay? I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself."

"Yes she can," Collin announced as he entered and grabbed a cookie from the table. "I think he's fantastic, Molly. When's he going to sing for us?" he asked.

"He's not. Not today," Molly insisted. "He just finished an incredibly exhausting tour and he needs to rest."

"Maybe another time, then," Collin added.

"Where's grandma?" Michael asked, glancing around.

"She dozed off in the living room and we didn't have the heart to wake her just for pie."

"She probably would have asked you if you'd told her to die."

They all laughed, and Molly made a mental note of the moment. She never wanted to forget how amazing and full of life and hope she felt today. Jordan Knight was in her home and her family accepted him and even seemed to love him, too.

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now