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Tuesday classes were slow moving. The last two days had gone by at a snail's pace. Molly had thought about texting Jordan, but she didn't want to text him until she had some news. She was going home tonight to talk to her parents. She'd convinced Zoe to come as back up. Molly's dad thought Zoe was funny and he loved teasing her. Zoe could never tell when Molly's dad was being serious or sarcastic and it usually got her all riled up. Zoe would end up in a tizzy and Molly's dad would laugh. Then Zoe would laugh too. Zoe always said that being around Molly's dad prepared her to deal with men's sarcasm. She figured if she could master his personality she could figure out anyone.

Molly had rehearsed her speech to her parents several times with Zoe saying, "No, don't say that," or "Ooh, that was a good point." Molly's mom knew something was up. When she called to ask if they could come to dinner, she asked Molly straight out if she was pregnant. Molly laughed as she shouted no and her mom blew out a sigh of relief. She figured that if her mom thought she was pregnant, then saying she just wanted to go to Boston for the summer would seem like nothing at all.

Not talking to Jordan was bothering her. At lunchtime, she started to wonder if he had found someone else for the job. She thought maybe telling him she was seeing her parents was news, so she broke down and sent him a message.

Molly: Dinner tonight with the parents. Wish me luck?

She waited for ten, twenty, then thirty minutes and nothing. She put her phone down and tried to focus on her microwave mac and cheese. She should have gone to the grill and just got a chicZoe salad to go. Her phone buzzed.

Jordan: Thanks for the update. What time should I be there?

The thought of Jordan sitting at the kitchen table eating a roast with her parents made her giggle.

Molly: 6 p.m. sharp. LOL

He wrote back immediately.

Jordan: Shall I wear a tie? Maybe a suit of armor?

Molly laughed. It was so good to hear from him.

Molly: A bullet-proof vest might be a good idea.

He responded:

Jordan: Phew, and I thought my critics were tough. What's the address again? 733 Windsor?

How did he know her address? Molly's eyes almost popped out of her head. She immediately started replaying conversations. "I know you make $9.75 an hour. You don't have a passport, so we would need to expedite that." How in the hell did he know so much about her? Wait, was he serious? Was he actually planning on coming to dinner tonight? In a panic she wrote:

Molly: Are you in Chicago? Are you here?

Why was it taking so long for him to respond? Molly started to pace. What was she going to wear? What would her parents say? Buzz...

Jordan: Relax! LOL! I'm in the studio in Boston. I'm just messing with you.

She huffed out loud.

Molly: You're an ass.

Her phone buzzed right back.

Jordan: LOL! No seriously though, let me know if you need me to talk to them. I do wish I could be there. I know how convincing you can be so I'm sure you won't have any problems.

Back to charming. She forgave him.

Molly: Hey, one question. How do you know so much about me? Are you stalking me you pervert?

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now