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Molly couldn't move her head.

It felt like it weighed three times its normal weight. She could feel someone next to her and her head shot around quickly, causing her to wince. Zoe was fast asleep next to her.

Molly sat up slowly and tried to stand up. She made her way to the bathroom and caught sight of herself in the mirror. What was she wearing? Then, like a bucket of water being dropped on her head, she started remembering all the things she had done and said the night before. At the time, they seemed perfectly fine. Had she really thrown herself at Jordan and told him he was a steak? Had she really given him the condoms and asked him to take her? She stepped into the hot shower and vaguely remembered grabbing his ass and kissing his neck.

She got dressed and weakly made her way to the kitchen for coffee. Jordan was sitting at the breakfast bar having a cup and reading something. She couldn't look at him. She glanced toward him and he looked at her from the tops of his eyes, without raising his head.

"How are you this morning?" he asked with a grin.

She waved him off and poured herself a cup of coffee. She sat down on the couch with her knees pulled in around her. Jordan came over and sat across from her, staring at her.

"I'm sorry for last night," she said as she covered her face with her hand.

"Oh so you do remember?"

She nodded.

"That was quite a little outfit you were wearing. I can't wait to get the pictures printed."

She looked up at him in utter shock and he laughed.

"You're an ass."

"You have a nice ass, if I haven't told you that before."

She cringed, "I'm an idiot and I'll never drink again."

Jordan got up and walked past her. He stopped and whispered in her ear, "Drunk Molly is fun and very, very hot. Here, you forgot these last night." He opened a drawer on the sofa table and placed the condoms on her lap. He patted her shoulder as he walked to his room.

Molly sunk into the couch and buried herself in her arms.


The tour started that Monday with a kick off in Boston. Molly was beyond excited as she watched Jordan perform from backstage. She had seen his parents briefly and they had hugged her like she was family. She loved them, but not as much as she loved Jordan. Her heart was on fire for him. He worked the crowd and everyone cheered and laughed when he spoke. From the stage she could see the looks on some people's faces. They loved him too and she knew why.

After the concert they took a red-eye to London. Molly had never been on a plane for so long before and she was nervous. Jordan asked Damien to switch seats with Molly and he obliged. She wrapped her arm around his and he kissed her head. He always knew just what she needed. She had fallen asleep on his shoulder and she awoke to him looking at her. "You're quite beautiful, even when you're quiet."

"You were amazing tonight," she said with a yawn.

He smiled and looked out the window over her. He had insisted she take the window so she could see the sights.

Over the next few days, she had barely seen him. She would take photos backstage with fans during his meet and greets and she would see him perform, but they were in separate rooms. She was sharing with Sidney and he was down the hall. She missed him terribly. She wondered if any part of him missed her. After the concert in Paris, Molly had something to eat with Sidney. She was walking to her room and she saw a woman come out of Jordan's suite. Her heart dropped to the floor. He walked out with her and thanked her as she left. Did he just have sex with her? Did he just thank her? Molly couldn't control herself. She bounded up to him and said, "Did you sleep with her?"

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now