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She paced the kitchen floor. Murphy looked up at her curiously. "Murphy, why is your daddy taking Christine Paul with him tonight? Does he like her?"

Murphy sat and stared at her, wagging his tail. Apparently he didn't have an answer either. When Molly had heard Jordan on the phone talking to her and laughing, she'd wanted to puke. Had she been wrong about him? She would have gone with him if he wanted her to, but he didn't even ask. Against her better judgment, Molly had googled her. She was divorced and totally available. There were rumors online that she and Jordan were dating. Molly had scoffed. He spent all his nights at work or with her. If he was dating anyone, her name was Molly Porte.

Jordan had been a perfect gentleman since the night of dinner with his parents. He had made no attempts to come too close and he almost seemed to run away whenever she touched him. Maybe the other night was a mistake. Maybe she was wrong to think things would work out between them. She could feel her blood boil when she thought of Christine Paul with her arm wrapped around Jordan. Would Jordan even come home tonight? Molly continued to pace until she heard Jordan's bedroom door open.

Molly gaped at him. She immediately felt wet just by looking at him. He was freaking gorgeous. He walked out of the room fixing his cufflinks. He was wearing the double-breasted black tux with a straight black tie and black vest underneath. It fit him like a glove. His hair was perfectly coiffed and he had shaved, but only enough to give him a sexy, dirty boy look. He smiled at Molly as he walked toward her and she almost passed out.

"Well, what do you think?"

"I thought you were going to dress up," Molly said with a look of boredom.

Jordan laughed and fiddled with his tie.

"Here, let me help you." Molly came up to him and started to straighten his tie when she smelled him. Dear God in heaven... It took everything in her power to not fall at his feet, cling to his leg and beg him to stay home with her tonight.

Jordan glared at her as she fixed his tie. "Something wrong, Molly?" he said with a smirk.

She rolled her eyes. "You know what's wrong."

"No, I don't think I do."

Molly sighed and patted his tie into place. "You look handsome, Jordan, as usual."

Jordan furrowed his brows as he studied her briefly before a cocky smile crossed his lips. "So you think Christine will like it then?"

Did he really just say that to her? What the hell? Why would Molly worry if Christine thought he looked good? Screw Christine. She hated her. Molly put her hands on her hips as she spoke. "I don't really know her taste, Jordan. Why don't you ask her if she thinks you're likable. I really don't give a damn."

Jordan put his hands in the air and backed away from her. "Someone is feisty tonight!"

Molly turned away to hide her embarrassment. She took a steadying breath. She wanted to punch him. Then she wanted to grab him and stick her tongue down his throat. No, she wanted to kick him in the balls.

"Maybe you should get out tonight, Molly." She turned to look at him. "You seem uptight, like you have a lot of built up tension. I know I can't wait for a release." Jordan raised his eyebrows to her as he said it. What was he trying to imply?

Molly glared at him. He knew she was jealous and he was purposely rubbing it in. What a gigantic dick. She was pissed. The words came out of her mouth before she could stop them, "Fuck you, Jordan." She stomped off to her room and slammed the door. As she leaned against it, the regret crept in. She almost turned to apologize but then she felt the anger rise back to the surface. They most definitely were not dating. Let him go with Christine Paul. If that was the kind of woman he wanted then she hoped he screwed her until his dick fell off. Molly looked for her phone and realized it was on the kitchen counter. She was definitely not going back out to the kitchen with Jordan still there. She leaned on the door and scooted to the floor.

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now