Caught Red-Handed

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(A/N: This is a chapter where it says or shows how Mona got to Venti!)

Mona's POV

No food. No drinks. Nothing in the fridge or the cabinets. This... is just sad. I... embarrassed to admit it, but I don't have a lot of Mora left over. I just fully bought that celestial globe, and to my stupidity, I couldn't leave some Mora for necessary things to actually live.

This is something I accidentally overlooked. I was so excited to get that celestial globe that I had forgotten to buy some groceries beforehand. I have to pay the rent as well... I sigh just thinking about all these things. Why does everything have to be all about Mora? Can't I just pay everything using something else?

Perhaps I should do some commissions for the guild. They do provide some worthwhile rewards after all. Really wished that old hag could've gave me some money... but I shouldn't ask for more. She did give me mostly everything I use today and in my daily life.

I take one last look at my house to see what was worth taking with that could help me but, there was really nothing. Guess I have no choice but to do commissions. I stayed up late last night doing some readings so, I'm a little bit tired and sleepy. Still, I had to do this for Mora.

I close the door and then lock it. But looking at the house from outside, it really reminded me of the first time I got it. Well, not exactly 'got it', but had the opportunity to rent it. To think that it was sealed with such high power... really makes me think about who was living in it before. I sigh and then step down the stairs.

"Oh, Mona?" I flinch, hearing a sudden voice call out my name. I turn around and see that it was the old man who was letting me rent out the place. Which means... this isn't good.

"Y-yes?" I ask, flashing him an awkward smile.

"The payment for rent, please hand it over." He says, not strictly, but with a kind voice. Maybe he wouldn't mind if I made him wait for a bit.

"I-I'll be doing some commissions to get the Mora so, if you would kindly wait for a moment for the payment..?" I ask him, still smiling awkwardly.

"Of course! I'll be waiting for it so, I'll swing by again later this afternoon." He says, laughing and then smiling afterwards.

"T-thank you so much for understanding! I'll be sure to pay it on time!" I bow and sigh in relief. Thank the heavens that the person that runs the place is actually nice. But, this must never happen again.

"Stay safe on your travels!" He says before walking back to where he came from afterwards. I bow one last time and then start heading straight to Katheryne.

I hope there's a commission that gave me the Mora I needed for the rent. And possibly some more for groceries. If it's dealing with pests and nuisances, then this should be elementary. I'll deal with it quickly and get back just in time for everything to be done. I stop as soon as I reach Katheryne.

"E-excuse me..! Do you have any commissions that could possibly give me a good amount of money?!" I say, panicky and panting due to the fact that I had to run to get here. She smiles at me.

"Please wait for a moment while I browse for a commission that's exactly to your liking." She smiles before looking over papers and folders.

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