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Aether's POV

"Gh!" I grunt as I use my anemo abilities to maintain balance. She's strong. She's really strong..! I'm barely holding up with her and my sword isn't doing a lot of damage to those annoying chains. I can't even get a single attack in because of her stupidly fast speed. She dodges everything! 

Still... I have to hang on until they can at least get to me. If I fail now, I'll just be too ashamed to return to Venti. I promised him I'll come back safe and I intend to keep my promises. Numerous large chains follow me as I then jump in air, successfully dodging all of them. As soon as I could swing my sword, I readied my attacks. 

They surge upwards, directly towards me. Since my sword isn't doing so well, I imbue it with geo, making it harder or at least a lot more difficult to break or parry. After that, I slash many times in front of me, breaking the chains little by little until there was nothing remaining. 

If I drop down and take a breather, she'll probably attack again, making me lose my chance. Therefore..! As soon as I hit the ground, I put all my strength into my legs and jump towards her. In doing so, I was now in front of her. I hear her gasp. Finally... an attack! I swing my sword horizontally, slicing her head off. 

It's... too soft. It isn't real. At least I managed to get a hit in. I see her dissipate, now appearing in the far end of the room. Ah, I used too much of my strength. I collapse, only to catch and balance myself by gripping on the handle of my sword after I struck the tip of the it at the ground.

I have to push myself this far to make a single attack..? Not to mention, she heals all of it immediately. What is a good plan here... If Mona and the others were here, this wouldn't be so difficult. But I thought Venti was here. I thought Venti went ahead of me to try and protect me or something. It was just a stupid trap I fell for.

Venti would do that though. He would go so far for me that it's so terrifying. The last thing I need him to do is to destroy a city just for me. He loves me. And I love him. Why doesn't this person understand that? I can't stop loving him just because someone tells me to. Even if it was Lumine who told me to stop, I can't exactly fall out of love so easily.

Even if one of us dies, I'm sure I won't forget about Venti and he won't forget about me. But what I will do if this 'Huntress' decides to take him away from me is... I would rip her apart and show her hell. I finally found someone. After all these years, I found someone to love and to love me back. And yet this outsider decides to ruin all of it. How irritating!

I use my electro abilities to speed up and warp in front of her. She stumbles in surprise but, she gets her sword out in time. I fake attack, positioning myself to do an upward slash but instead, I blast her away using the anemo energy I saved up in my hand. She gets blasted away and seeing as she was unable to balance herself, I fill myself with geo and jump towards her. The ground that was beneath me broke and made multiple crystals due to the force.

As soon as I get in range, I hit her using the flat edge of my sword. Due to the geo element imbued, the strength increased and knocks her to the wall so quickly that it ended up breaking and putting half her body through it. This... is not enough..! 

As soon as she gets out of the wall, I hit the ground using my palm and made multiple geo crystals surge and charge towards her. She quickly reacts to it by summoning giant shadow swords that swung and broke everything to pieces. Using geo, I summon 2 rocks in my hand. Her swords are still annoyingly swinging..

I then see the perfect opening and I throw those two rocks at her direction. Using anemo, I redirect their course and made them go upwards. As soon as they went upwards, they exploded into hundreds of crystals, making her stumble in surprise. I used my electro abilities once again and warped far away. 

Shit. I used too much energy that I can't even make a simple breeze anymore. It's so annoying to see that all of my attacks are useless unless it's something imbued with an element. And as expected, she destroyed all of it. I stand up after seeing her running towards me. I then see her 'vision' start glowing black. Meaning.. she was attacking with a huge spell..!

I can't escape..! I don't have enough energy..! As I hear footsteps slowly get closer and closer, I repeatedly tried to use my electro abilities. Come on... come on! Please..!

"Killer Technique: Shadow Chain Penetration."

Multiple chains start thrusting towards me. I feel my electro abilities returning as I then immediately use what I can to run away. I successfully warp away, now away from her attacks.

"GH!" I... couldn't dodge all of it..? I see wounds appearing all over my body, now slowly dripping blood. I click my tongue in frustration. I guess I couldn't keep my promise. But still... I promised I would get back alive. I promised that I would see him again. I promised that I would be safe and sound. That's why I can't afford to lose here!

With all my remaining energy, I fill my entire body with a mix of abilities. Using anemo, I can make myself levitate and fly. Using geo, I can strengthen my attacks. I can do all sorts of elemental reactions by myself. Using all of what I have, I will defeat her here and now!

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