bad news.

791 18 29

Third Person's POV


Albedo was peacefully drawing at Dragonspine. Casually sketching the blue flowers, the broken ruins, and even adding little details such as minuscule snowflakes. He then feels something wrong, something terrible that was behind him. Not directly behind but, in the direction behind him.

He stops drawing, putting his pen in his pocket as he mindlessly throws his sketchbook away, knowing that this is going to be an immediate fight if he tries to talk to whatever walked by. He fixes his gloves, preparing his spells and his mind. He then stares at the person who seemed to be walking nonchalantly, despite having such a murderous aura. He breathes in, and breathes out, calming himself down.

"Who are you? State your name and business here, right this instant." Albedo asks, not taking 'no' for an answer. The person then flinches in surprise, then slowly turning towards him. Albedo could feel himself tremble. Despite the person having their face covered, Albedo could sense the death glares that were given to him.

"I suppose a warm-up in this world would be beneficial." The person says, having the voice of a lady. A sword then crystallizes out of thin-air in front of her, then revealing what seemed to be like an otherworldly sword. It's materials, design, were completely different than any that could be seen in Teyvat. Albedo immediately knew this was going to be a whole lot of trouble. 

Without warning, the lady disappears, now in front of Albedo's face in a matter of milliseconds. Albedo stumbles in surprise of her incredible speed, but her strength was no joke as well. As she jumped towards Albedo, the ground that was beneath her ruptured, even creating a whirlwind of the snow. 

Unable to do anything else, Albedo draws out his sword, then parrying the incoming attack of the lady. Both of them attacked and parried each other in quick succession. The speed of their swords made it seem like they weren't swinging anything at all. The only thing you could see were sparks due to the collision. The lady then steps back, Albedo wanted to jump towards her and strike her down but stopped himself immediately when he saw her 'vision' lit up, having a dark menacing color. Albedo could feel a chill go down his spine as he heard the words that came out of her mouth saying,

"Killer Technique:

Shadow Chain Penetration."

A magic circle reveals itself in front of the lady as she said it, soon bursting out multiple massive dark chains with huge spikes at the end, all coming towards Albedo. 4, 5, 6, all charging towards him without hesitation. Albedo calms down, exhaling. As soon as the chains were directly in front of him, he snaps his fingers, making all of them turn into dust. The force of the breakage created a gush of wind, blowing into Albedo's face.

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