Second Round of Greetings

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Third Person's POV

"I see... I didn't know you two had such a long and... intimate relationship. The process of making the relationship in the first place was also quite amazing." Ningguang says, smiling, putting her champagne glass back on the table after drinking from it. 

"My thoughts exactly. I doubt that was the full story, which makes it even more interesting." Keqing says, agreeing with Ningguang's opinion. She smirks, curious to know more about how their relationship exactly came to happen. But,

"I-I would appreciate it if we did not go any further.." Aether says, blushing, a little bit flustered because he had to explain every single little detail about how he would get Venti's attention, he he fell in love, and literally everything. He just had this feeling of wanting to disappear right then and there because Venti was also there to hear everything. 

It did not stop there. Ningguang and Keqing's curiosity and deep interest in their lovely romance, wanted Venti to explain his side of the story. Right now, he was just sitting on the chair with his hands covering his face, but he was so obviously blushing due to the redness of his ears. 

Due to Ningguang and Keqing's want of their story, they unintentionally told each other things they haven't before. It made them closer, sure, but it also made them a little bit awkward with each other. Not 'bad' awkward but... a feeling of embarrassment. Well, both of them did have the feeling of suddenly wanting to kiss each other. 

"I apologize. I simply wanted to confirm this so called 'love' of yours and because of your rather thorough explanation, I now know that you two are in fact very in love with each other." Ningguang grins, chuckling. Aether flinches at her emphasizing of the word 'thorough' as well as her wanted results of her series of questions. Keqing then stands up, coming closer to Venti.

"Hey, Venti. Make sure to take care of him, okay? He gets a bit reckless sometimes so, I am quite relieved someone like you is by his side." Keqing says, smiling at him. Venti sees the innocent and grateful gleam in her eyes which made him smile.

"Of course!" Venti smiles, happy. He had already sworn to himself that he will do anything to protect Aether so, Keqing's favor was already long accepted. Ningguang chuckles, seeing their adorable exchange.

"Well, our 'business' here is done. What will you be doing now?" Ningguang asks, standing up from her seat. Aether stands up as well.

"For starters, it seem though we have to talk to some more of our friends due to the large... commotion that has happened at the entrance." Aether says, a little bit awkwardly and looking exhausted at the thought of it. Ningguang gasps as her eyes open wide, realizing the consequences of her actions caused by her extreme excitement.

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