Mysterious Domain

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Aether's POV

I don't like this. I don't like this at all. The idea of leaving Venti behind while something unknown is loose. I don't doubt his abilities but, whenever he might be in trouble, I hate the thought of not being able to help him or get there fast enough. Taking a bunch of things into consideration, the Huntress they're seemingly talking about is surely alone.

Someone with that kind of power won't match up well with any other powers. Or in simpler terms, their abilities aren't so good or compatible in teams or partners, even. There is still that possibility of there being two people, just the other one is hidden and prefer working alone, waiting for the perfect time to strike. That thought keeps entering my mind and giving me more and more worries.

I'm sure everything would work out fine. I have a Fatui Harbinger, and the literal Geo Archon by my side. And Mondstadt has Venti, which is the Anemo Archon. Well, that doesn't remove the fact that the Huntress easily defeated Albedo, making me contemplate more and more. I sigh, already exhausted as I then step out of the building.

"Took you long enough. Where's Venti?" I hear Mona's voice as soon as I get out of the building. I did kind of just... stand in the middle of the lobby just thinking about certain things. Venti will be okay. I know. I just can't help but worry.

"Ah, he's going back home. Paimon said she'd just go with him for a bit." I say in reply, now walking towards her after closing the door behind me. He left almost immediately after the meeting was done and Paimon just ran after him. I stayed behind for a little while to talk to Jean for a bit but when I got out of the room, they weren't there anymore.

"Are you worried about this?" I flinch as I remember I was talking to Mona. I look at her and see her slightly confused but smirking face. Her face basically said 'You're coming together with 3 amazing people and you're still worried?' I smile after reading her intentions correctly.

"Of course I am! We're dealing with something unknown here so, of course I'm going to be worried." I say, sighing as I groan, showing her an exhausted facial expression. I am in fact going in there with 3 amazing people but, dealing with something unknown is extremely worrying and exciting at the same time. Although, the worries are kind of overwhelming the excitement.

"True. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried at all." She says, nodding. Speaking of 3 amazing people, I should probably tell Zhongli and Childe about this already. The quicker we deal with this, the better. I can't wait to finish this, and come home safely to Venti, giving him a nice big hug and then kissing him on the cheek. It's at least giving me the motivation to actually come back home alive and unwounded. 

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