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Aether's POV

"Is everyone here?! Is everyone okay?!" I yell as I hit the ground after entering the portal. I couldn't see much because of this... dark smoke. I couldn't see them as well but, I hope they're okay. 

"...I'm here..!" I hear Mona's voice. I quickly run to her direction as I then hear her snap her fingers, soon lighting up the area around her. It wasn't that hard to see before but, this just makes it even better. I help her get up from the ground as she then stands up. 

"Me as well." I hear Childe's voice as he approaches us. Seems like his excitement was long gone when he entered this place. That's quite worrying since he was the one that was so hell-bent on fighting this person. 

"Seems like this place didn't change at all." Zhongli says, approaching us as he looks around him.

"Looks like it." I say, looking around as well. It didn't change that much. The place we were right now, was like a floating room, having window-like fences, as the view stretches as far as the eye can see. This place didn't have a bottom floor as well so, if someone were to fall down, they'll keep falling down until they hit a potential ground that I assume doesn't even exist.

I walk towards the fences and put out my head, looking around and trying to see what we have to deal with. It wasn't a lot but, after this room, it's just a hallway and a seemingly big room where I assume is where we'll have to deal with this Huntress. Since it didn't change a lot, she might've not shaped this place to where it would benefit her. Which then I'm relieved.

"Let's tread carefully." I say, looking at them as I step in front, being the one to lead. The light that Mona was supplying with energy, followed next to me, lighting up the path in front. I started walking slowly as they follow behind me, matching my pace.

"Agreed." I hear Mona say, soon brightening up the light, seemingly making the area around me much better to see. And it did help a lot. I almost stumbled into a few boxes but saved myself because of the light. 

There were just these dark smoke that was covering the ground. It was like an ocean, but not too deep. It wasn't hard to walk, it was just ominous and difficult to see. Was this an attempt to scare us away? Surely not. With the abilities Albedo mentioned about this Huntress, she could do better than an ocean of smoke.

I turn the corner, pointing my sword immediately as to maybe prepare for surprise attacks. There were just so many turns that I can't help but worry about sudden grabs, slashes, traps and all that. We then turn another corner, walking slowly as we carefully look around. I didn't expect any treasure and to be honest, that was the least of my problems.

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