Loving Plan

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Mona's POV

Well, this is quite the surprise. I never imagined Aether would come to me for advice for that crazy drunkard. No offense to him but, yeah. It's been a while since him and I had a talk and, of course Venti would be topic of the conversation. I mean, I'm really just a matchmaker for those two, right?

Guess I can't really complain. He is letting me borrow Paimon. Well, Paimon isn't so angry about it. I'm actually glad she's enjoying herself with me. I'm doing nothing but researching and studying about this thing we're looking into. I don't even know what the hell it is but, I'm happy that Paimon is happy with me. She is a very very hard person to please.

As I was thinking to myself, I notice Aether looking a bit suspicious and cautious of me. Was he worried about something? Oh right, the idea. Maybe he's worried about me making him wear lingerie or something. I'm sure he won't even think of touching it, let alone wearing it even if I do give him that idea. 

"Don't worry, I won't make you wear lingerie or anything." I say, reassuring him. Although, I do want to know what Venti would think about him wearing something like that. That would be extremely hilarious. 

"...Good. Thank you." He says, sighing in relief. I could tell him to wear it but, it won't really do anything if he won't listen. So, seems like that's out.

"Were you worried about that?" I ask, chuckling. It's kind of funny how these two would think of doing something embarrassing just to get the attention of the other even though they could just ask. It's... kind of sweet at the same time. But super funny.

"Kind of..?" He says, kind of hesitating and thinking about it. Looks like he really was worried about it. Then again, I could tell him to do this or do that, but in the end, it's up to him if he really wanted to.

"I do want to see what Venti would think with you wearing something like that." I say, teasing him a little. It would be really interesting. Knowing Venti, he might sneakily take pictures or something and keep it to himself. 

"S-stop..! I don't even want to think about wearing that..!" Aether blushes, rejecting it greatly. Well, deep down I know that he would think of wearing it just for Venti. That's... their problem, not mine.

"Alright so, lingerie plan is a no-go, sadly." I say, throwing that idea away. I need to think of something that would really make Venti look. Physical appearance aside, maybe actions? What sort of action would he stop to look, though? Seduction? Again?

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