A Talk Over Drinks

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Venti's POV

"Let's go!" I shout out, pouring all of them some wine that I brought. Ah, this is truly bliss. Drinking after a long day is always the best thing thing to do. That and of course, spending time with Aether. 

"Calm down... I know you're excited but, we aren't going anywhere. We can drink as long as we want." Mona says, looking at me weirdly. Guess she does have a point there but, I can't wait any longer! 

I'm gonna drink and talk to them a lot! It's... been quite a long time since I've drank with friends. Friends that I knew were going to stay with me no matter what. And this floating emotion in my heart is making me feel so happy. 

"Cheers!" I yell out, stretching my hand to the sky, holding the bottle in my hand. They all chuckle at me and then tapped their cups at my bottle. I then immediately start drinking.

"Uwah..! This tastes so good..!" How does it taste this way? This is merely the bottle of wine I drank almost every night before. Maybe avoiding it for so long made me forget about the taste of it? Or... does it simply taste better now that I'm drinking it with other people? Agh, no need to be sentimental now.

"Again, calm down. We can drink slowly and watch the view as we talk." Aether says, looking at me worriedly. I smile at him and nod in reply. Why was he so... caring all of a sudden? I mean.. I don't hate it but... it's rather too much that I'm scared that I might fall in love deeper. I shake my head, avoiding to be obviously blushing.

"So, Mona... what do you do exactly?" Zhongli asks, slowly drinking from the bottle. Well, I'm assuming that it was still wine but, knowing him, it might've been replaced with another liquid to 'his tastes'. What an old man. Though, I can't really say that. I sigh as I then lean on Aether's shoulder as this conversation seems to be a talk between Childe, Zhongli and Mona. 

"Ah, well, I am an Astrologist who also does Hydromancy. I do a lot of research in my own time so, this... little trip was quite a good break from it all. Though, I do need to get back on my feet and start working once I get back." Mona says, sighing as she remembers her incoming workload back in Mondstadt. Now I'm glad that she came along. A break does wonders for the mental health.

"Hydromancy... The art of inferring fate from the illusory reflection of the stars on the water's surface... How interesting. I take it that this is something you like to do?" Zhongli asks, smiling as he starts looking curious.

"Yes! I do enjoy doing this. Finding the truth of this world is what I want and what I plan to do." She says, looking extremely serious. 

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