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Venti's POV

As we sat down on the table at Good Hunter, an immediate silence fell upon all of us. I don't know if it was awkward or if it was just me. Either way, I didn't want to have to sit in silence for the rest of the morning. And as Mona said, maybe doing this would keep my mind off of it and make me happy. God knows that that is what I need the most lately.

"So! Mona, do you have anyone you like?" I yell out, desperately trying to start a conversation to remove this awkwardness in the air. To my dismay, this question really isn't the best start since I already know the answer.

"A stupid and dumb conversation starter. The answer is, no." Mona answers, strictly as she looked annoyed. On a serious note, why hasn't she liked anyone yet? There's a bunch of good looking people out there. Let's see... maybe Albedo, Diluc, Kaeya, Keqing maybe, she has so many good choices out there.

"Boring." I say in reply. If she worked hard on it, then maybe she could get herself a lover easily. Well, she technically can read if someone is lying or not so, it's kind of unfair for the other person but, then again, it's a huge advantage for her.

"Watch out Mona~. What if when you're already a wrinkly old hag, you'll still be alone. That's quite sad. You're reaching that age soon, right?" Childe giggles, teasing her harshly. That's kind of funny... I cover my mouth in attempt to stop myself from laughing. I then hear Mona click her tongue.

"You should be the one watching out, dumb toddler. Or are you throwing a tantrum because your lover isn't paying attention to you~?" Mona says as she shows a smug face. Speaking of lover, Zhongli was busy admiring the buildings or something. I don't even know what he was doing. He was... thinking? He definitely wasn't paying attention to anyone that's for sure.

"Hmph. How rude." Childe says, crossing his arms and then averting his eyes. I see him glancing over and over at Zhongli like he was a dog that was seeking attention but, Zhongli wasn't paying attention at all. 

"You started it, you shit." Mona rolls her eyes as she crosses her legs. These two are always at each other's throats. I should stop it but, it's kind of entertaining. Come to think of it, when did they actually start bickering? They're like Rosaria and Kaeya now. 

"Want to battle?" Childe smirks, already bringing out his weapon. Mona then stands up and readies her spells.

"I would love to." She smirks. I quickly stand up and get in between them. I mean, I said that it was entertaining but, I meant when they insulted each other. I don't want to have to deal with the aftermath of them fighting in the middle of the city.

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