Seeking advice... for the last time

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Venti's POV

"Hey, it's me again. Open the door." I say, already used to doing this. For these past few months, I've went to her and her all the time for advice on what to do with Aether. So, I'm at least at her house 4 times a week. But as she said previously, there's never a dull moment between Aether and I. And I'm happy about that. Just goes to show that we're still attracted to one another

"You open the door. I'm not going to stand up from my couch just to open the door for you." She says, angrily. I hear her click her tongue. Well, I can't really blame her slight tone of annoyance with me. 

Again, I come to her house at least 4 times a week. Because of that, we're mostly best friends now. We talk to each other sarcastically and sassily but of course, all jokes and fun. Though, I guess I should stop visiting her for advice. I should make some decisions for myself this time. I should talk to her about this too. I feel like she would be more than happy. 

"I'm coming in." I shout out, warning her first so that she knows. I then open the door and see her laying on her couch, eating chips as she stares at me going inside her house. Come to think of it, she's rich now. When she knew that she could get money from commissions, she started to do it little by little. Well, she says that she doesn't use her 'astrology' because she'll never use it for something like that.

"What do you need this time?" She asks, sitting up straight and flipping her hair to put them at her back. She also wipes her mouth using the tissue that was placed on top of her coffee table as she then looks at me. I then sit in the other couch that was in front of her. 

"First of all, how have you been?" I ask, starting off the conversation with greetings of course. I shouldn't just do what I came to do and leave when I'm talking to my best friend here. Sure, I could do it to others but, definitely not her.

"Good. How about you and Aether?" She asks, leaning her back to the cushions behind her, making herself comfortable. I do the same. I shouldn't be so tense. Well, I guess I'm tense because I'm worried about what to do with Aether.

"We're doing great! Thanks to your help of course but anyway... it's been a crazy couple of months, hasn't it?" I sigh, smiling. It's been quite a long time. It feels like time just passed by and boom, it's December. Though, I still remember how he confessed his feelings to me. I'm sure I will never forget such a scene.

"I agree. I can't believe I would find myself working with a Fatui Harbinger from time to time." She says, rolling her eyes. A Fatui Harbinger? I take it she means Childe, Zhongli's lover. That's... still alarming to me but, I guess it's the same with me and Aether. Both of them have their own story while Aether and I have ours. Not my place to judge them.

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