Complete Destruction

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Venti's POV


Everything they're saying is a lie.

How? How can Aether- my Aether die? My strong husband that can defeat anything so quickly and nicely. How can he die? He will never die before me. Everything here is a lie. His... cold body in my hands... it was still with me. Therefore, he is not dead. He will never die in my hands. If he dies then, I might as well die too.

"I love you, okay? I want you to be safe. I promise I'll come back without a single wound."

His trustworthy and loving face flashes in my mind multiple times. He promised me he would get back. He promised that he would return home, safe and sound, and I would treat him to the dinner I made. I would love him, I would care for him, I would help him in whatever he needed as long as my life with him continued on. He promised, which is why everything that is happening in front of me right now is a lie.

Nothing but a farce. A play. An act.

"I love you, Venti!" 

His words linger in my head. My handsome Aether... my loving husband... he will never die. It's impossible. He knows that I've already lost so much. Lost so many people I loved and cared about. Which is why he would never dare to leave me behind. This is impossible. This is impossible.

We were supposed to get a house together. We were supposed to live together for so much longer. I was supposed to spend my days with him for eternity. I was supposed to be there for him as his loving husband. I was supposed to care for him, comfort him in a way that nobody else would. 

I was going to support him, to help him in whatever he wanted to do. His... sister is here, right? He must be really happy to finally see her again after all those years of being separated. He must feel extremely excited to be with her again. Maybe I could even introduce myself to her, be a good brother-in-law and promise to take care of Aether.

Maybe I could go with them as they traverse worlds, find a home or a place to stay along with them. Maybe if I could change forms, I would bear his child. We would be a happy and healthy family, living in something everyone would want. I would take care of my children, guide them to school, teach them magic as I greet Aether goodbye as soon as he goes on adventures.

Immortal  |  Aether  x  Venti  |  Genshin  ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now