Love Deprived

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Aether's POV

Well, now I'm back home and... I'm bored. There isn't much to do here. It's too quiet even. When Venti comes around, it's always lively and cheerful but now that I'm the only one here, the loneliness is really hitting me. I sigh, unhappy with the way things are now. I guess I could find something to do? 

I start to walk around my house, checking little items, drawers, finding anything that I could use to pass the time. Not so surprising, I didn't find anything. I barely spend time at this house, let alone spend time to even decorate or buy something for it. I just stay at Venti's house or somewhere else. 

Disappointed, I get back to the couch and slumped against it. I guess I could play around with elements? Well, I use it everyday so, I don't particularly find it interesting. Though, it does increase the things I could possibly do to pass the time. Cleaning, arranging... whatever the hell else. I really don't know anything else to do anymore.

Defeated, I stand up, deciding to go outside and maybe look at Venti. He won't be distracted if he doesn't even see me so, I could just stare at him from afar. Who knows, maybe I'll find something to do on the way there. I get out of the house and walk towards the stairs. But then,

"Oh, Honorary Knight! Perfect timing!" I hear a girl yell out, seemingly calling out to me, sounding as if she was exhausted. By 'perfect timing' it means that they'll be asking me to do something. Oh well, at least it will pass the time. I turn around, facing her direction.

"Barbara? And Rosaria? What are you doing? What are those boxes?" I ask, approaching them slowly as they gently place the boxes down on the floor. But Rosaria just drops them all, making Barbara flinch in surprise with the loud sound. 

"It's decorations. I do in fact want to go outside this city but, I can't neglect duties that I've been told to do straight to my face." Rosaria says, sighing as her face seemed so tired. It might just be her normal look actually. Well, I do sympathize for her as I'm currently feeling the same. Even if I do go out the city, there's not much to do. Sure I could visit Liyue or Inazuma but, Venti won't be with me so what's the point?

"Do you need help with that?" I ask, offering as I assuming that is the case. I didn't want to sound like I'm underestimating them since Rosaria is technically quite strong so, that's why I offered instead of immediately carrying the boxes. 

"Yes, please! And we'll bring them over to Knights of Favonius Headquarters." Barbara says, starting to carry 1 box while Rosaria carries 2. Well, there were only 5, including what they were holding so, this should be pretty easy. It's not that big or small though... maybe like half the size of a wine barrel. As they carried what they want to, I get over to them and carry the remaining 2 that was lying on the ground.

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