Spreading the news

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Third Person's POV

"Well well, look at you two~." Mona says, smirking with her hand placed under her chin, looking very mischievous.

"Congratulations!" Paimon says, smiling brightly as she floats over the two boys who was extremely close to each other despite not sitting on the same seat. Not like Venti can just sit on Aether anyway.

"Y-yeah, thanks..." Aether says, a little uncomfortable but still blushing over the fact that Venti was hugging his arm and rubbing his cheek all over it while smiling stupidly. You can practically see the hearts flying all around them.

"Seems like everything worked out well." Mona says before sitting down in the seat in front of them, Paimon follows slowly after. 

"There were a few misunderstandings here and there but, I guess it worked out fine?" Aether answers, a little confused. While he was doing the talking, Venti just kept on hugging his arm like a little child who was given a present by his mother. Aether couldn't help but pat the bard's head, after all, he looked 'cute'.

"You don't seem happy about the results." Mona says as she places her arm up and rests her chin on her palm. Paimon just sits down on the table and eats the apple that was placed in front of her, thanks to Mona.

"I-I am happy! I'm just... worried." Aether replies with a tone that sounds really concerned and sad. Mona's eyes widen up a bit in shock to hear about it. She thought that maybe after the whole exchange, things will be so much brighter and cheerful. Hence why she found it a little surprising.

"Why so?" Mona asks.

"W-well, it's technically my first time getting a lover, a boyfriend at that, and I'm really worried if I can't... live up to their expectations or what they want of me..." Aether answers, frowning due to the current and future problems and worries he has to be facing. But Venti hugs his hand tighter as he then grabs his face and made it look directly at his own.

"Aether, I'm just happy that you're here with me, okay? No matter what you do, or what you try to do, I'll love and support you." Venti says, smiling reassuringly. Although it was quite cheesy, according to Mona's reaction, it did do the job of making Aether happy.

"Thank you... a-and I love you too..." Aether says, looking away, embarrassed and blushing. Venti just chuckles at his reaction.

Immortal  |  Aether  x  Venti  |  Genshin  ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now