Sustainer of Heavenly Principles

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Third Person's POV

"Didn't I already stop you before? Did you perhaps not learn your lesson?" The Unknown God says, basically sitting on air as she looks down upon Lumine who was trembling, gripping her sword tightly.

"Please I... I just want my brother back..." Lumine says, already at a loss of what to do next. If she fought her head on, maybe she has a chance but, with the amount of magic she used just to get to this place is already draining her completely.

"Your.. brother. Such a shame. I would've maybe wanted to see more of what both of you could do to change the world." The Unknown God says, starting to walk around, levitating. She looks as if she was disappointed. Well, as soon as they got to the world, they changed so many different things, influenced so many different people from different regions. 

"I... really just want him back..." Lumine mutters, tears falling down her eyes.  Her despair and sad aura really filled the atmosphere of the conversation. Even her sadness was reaching the Unknown God but alas, it did nothing to sway her.

"And? You'll be going onto different worlds just to get someone or something to be able to do that?" The Unknown God asks, already doubting Lumine's power and availability to do so. If she couldn't even be able to get past the Heavenly Principles, then how would she be able to get past all the other gods past her?

"Resurrection is already ancient. Barely anything comes up in the archives of any world out there. Though, most ascended gods know how to conduct such a thing." The Unknown God says, trying to make Lumine give up and return from whence she came. The one thing she hated was needless sacrifices, stupid deaths, and annoying insects that disrupts her completely.

"Why are you telling me this?" Lumine asks, her eyes filled with tears as she still has a glimmer of hope inside of her. She was never going to stop. Not until she gets Aether back. Even if her arm gets cut off or any part of her body dies, she will continue to move forward until she gets Aether back alive. And, the Unknown God knows this.

"I'm telling you to give up." She says, sighing as she stared at Lumine with cold dead eyes. It was practically useless. Nothing can be done anymore. The Unknown God didn't know why these humans or these beings like to hold onto lives that have already passed, which is why she simply sighs.

"...What?" Lumine asks coldly. Her eyes stop watering, her body stops trembling, the only thing that was crawling inside of her was... anger. The Unknown God sighs, having such a troubled and disturbed look on her face.

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