Unexplainable Return.

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Third Person's POV

"How is this possible..?" Zhongli mumbles to himself, wondering how exactly did this happen as he watches Aether hugging Venti and comforting him. It was like a huge miracle. He wasn't sure how exactly it worked but, he was sure that there weren't any magic that could bring someone back to life so easily and quickly.

"Hm?" Zhongli mutters, his eyes wandering to the side as he sees a familiar silhouette in the distance. A girl who was gripping her arm as if she was wounded, tired, and laying her back on the walls of the sides of Mondstadt. He approaches her, seeking to find some answers. Upon hearing footsteps, the girl flinches but then calms down.

"What did you do?" He asks, staring at her. Lumine then gritted her teeth, gripping her arm even harder as if she was in pain. Zhongli stared at her with confusion and worry as she seemed like she was hurt a lot for whatever she did.

"I would explain to you but, it's going to be a lot more troublesome if I did." Lumine sighs, soon standing up properly although a little sluggish. She then moves to the side a bit more, being out of sight on anyone in front of the gates. Zhongli follows her, realizing that she was trying to keep herself hidden.

"...I won't ask then." He says, not wanting to pester or annoy Lumine on whatever she did. Well, he decided that with just looking at her current state, he could only assume what she did and how she did it. He then sees Lumine hesitating on saying something but, before he could ask, she opens her mouth, having a sad look in her eyes.

"Just don't tell Aether I was here. Apparently, his memories only reach up to when he entered the domain." She says. Zhongli's mouth open slightly, shocked on hearing the news he had received. It did make sense that his memories only last until a certain point since after Aether died, his mind wasn't working therefore he didn't see anything. 

"So, he doesn't know he died?" Zhongli asks for confirmation. But, he then thinks about how Venti seemingly tried to keep himself from saying that Aether died, only saying that he missed him. He should have sensed it if Venti did but, maybe there was some sort of lovers connection that only Venti could have with him.

"...Yes. And I'd like to keep it that way." Lumine says in reply. Knowing Aether, if he knew that he had died, he would be so worried for everyone around him, and would repeatedly apologize. Especially if someone had told him that Lumine brought him back. Since she was his sister, he would worry a lot about what exactly she did. 

"Understood." Zhongli says, knowing about the consequences if they did in fact tell Aether the truth. He didn't want to see that. He didn't want anyone to suffer in sadness, despair, or any sort of negative emotion anymore. He just wanted everyone around him to be finally happy, getting everything good that they deserve.

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