A Sibling's Departure and Determination.

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Third Person's POV

"Raise security level of all hideouts to max." Lumine tells the Herald, having her face as cold as ice, preparing weapons, gloves, and her magic to maybe go somewhere extremely dangerous for this plan of hers. The Herald watches her closely, wondering what was so urgent.

"Excuse my rudeness, but princess, may I ask what you're planning to do?" It asks, staring at her. Lumine stops what she was doing, seemingly hesitating on answering him. She then ends up sighing as if she gave up on finding an excuse.

"I'm planning to get my brother back. No matter the cost." She says, knowing that the Herald was probably going to protest since what she was going to do was quite the dangerous journey. In fact, it's going to be a lot more dangerous than fighting the Huntress. A... being that has enough power to stop both of them without any effort at all. Remembering that sight made her tremble slightly.

"P-princess, you're being quite reckless with those statements. If you could please reconsider your decision and continue to move forward with the set out plans." The Herald says, trying to stop her from going. Hearing Lumine, the Abyss Princess, saying something like 'no matter the cost'... it's going to be big.

"So, you're basically telling me to ignore my brother's death, pretend it never happened, and even use it as an opportunity to strike Teyvat's gods now?" Lumine snaps, hearing the tone of the Herald.

"P-precisely." It trembles, scared at Lumine's death glare at it. But, it will do anything to protect Lumine. On the other hand, the blonde wasn't happy at all with it's response. She then sighs, starting to walk past it.

"...If I didn't need you at all, you wouldn't see the light of day ever again with what you said." She mumbles, her eyes looking dead. The Herald feels relief, knowing that it could've died right then and there but she chooses to keep it. And yet... it really doesn't want to give up on stopping Lumine.

"But princess..!"

"Are you disobeying my orders? Continue to say what you want and soon enough you'll find your tongue on the ground." She cuts the Herald off before it's able to say anything else. She knew that she couldn't keep her sword sheathed if it continued to talk about suddenly leaving Aether.

"...Understood." It gives up, knowing that the next time it tried to talk, she would really cut it's tongue off. Lumine stares at it. Seeing that the Herald has given up, she continues what she was doing. Slowly after, she then comes into a room.

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