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Closing thoughts + Q & A .

It's finally the end of this story. 

Frankly, I didn't think it would ever end. 

There were somedays were I was like "I should start finishing my fanfic..." but never actually do it since I procrastinate a lot. It was really stupid but anyway, let's make this a proper end with how I feel making this.

I'll do it piece by piece, starting with the first major moment. Maybe the confession? The first confession at least. 

When I was making that chapter, I was like, isn't this a bit too cliche? Like misunderstanding someone's confession, and then slowly realizing their feelings and then confessing once again. I thought that it was cliche. And to be honest, the story was supposed to end there. There was no Act 2 and onwards but I'm really glad I did more.

Next is the true confession. Well, I worked extra hard on that chapter. Making sure that it was dramatic, had good effects, dialogues and monologues, making sure everything was more emotional and proper but not too over the top. I'm sure it's obvious that my style of writing changes whenever a big chapter comes up.

In these first acts and chapters, I made sure to stick to the lore as much as I can. Definitely wasn't planning on making Venti go to Liyue. But then again, I'm glad that I did. The artifact that Aether got ended up being a major item too. Which was surprising to me.

Act 2. When I thought of a proper sequel to Act 1, I definitely knew that people would want what the other characters think of both of them. Well, when I made Act 2, I've already planned on Act 3 until the end. So, introducing all of these characters to Venti was building up towards the battle with the Huntress. 

Major part in here is the 'hazy future' one. I didn't plan it but, I thought of it when I wrote that Childe got a gut feeling. Put Mona and a gut feeling together and you know that I'll be planning to make her know what it is. And it just got a lot of build-up. I thought that it might keep readers invested like there was something bigger going on which is why I stuck to making it.

Act 3. Major part is marriage. It seemed fast, didn't it? But there were time skips. And if you didn't know that, then read my story again properly. Anyway, I spent way too much time researching and wow. That marriage chapter is the longest chapter I've ever written. 5000 words, I think? Still insane to me.

Now, the last act. I thought that it would be just a fun twist to do. I strayed from the lore like did a whole 180 degree from it. Well, canonically, doesn't it make sense that some 'higher' gods wouldn't want a bigger problem to ensue with an otherworldly being having a child with a god in one world? It definitely made sense to me. Having a child too powerful to exist. If it was 3 years old and could already kill an entire hilichurl camp, imagine giving it maybe 10 more years of practice with it's own magic. It could probably kill an entire city by then.

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