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Venti's POV

Well, we started walking again. He doesn't seem like he's thinking anymore, he was just... looking around his general area and vision. Perhaps this a good time to start up a conversation? But.. what the hell am I going to say? I can't possibly talk about the weather. Something as simple and cliche as that conversation starter would just be misinterpreted as nothing serious.

We just walk and walk, following the road to Liyue. The sound of grass being crumpled, as well as the sound of rocks getting tossed around due to the movement of our feet was just heard and nothing else. Am I really the only one that feels this awkwardness? Maybe...

"You know..." I flinch, suddenly hearing Aether's voice. I sigh, calming down after being surprised by it.  

"What?" I ask.

"Before, Mona made Paimon and I walk all the way from Liyue to Mondstadt just so we can help her get something." Aether says, chuckling afterwards. Instead of having no reaction, I chuckle as well.

But wow, Mona? Really? To think that she'd need help in getting something. I wonder what her reasons are for making Aether walk all this way. Well, luckily, these thoughts are undermining the other thoughts that were all simply jealousy. Isn't she a lucky one getting to have alone time with Aether.

"How did you meet her in the first place?" I ask him, attempting to continue the flow of the conversation. I mean, since he started it, it would be a shame if it ended in awkwardness again.

"Well, she said that she can read my 'destiny' and help me find my sister. I did believe her once I saw her abilities but sadly, there was no result. I mean, at least I made a new friend, right?" He says, smiling happily. It's kind of funny how he finds the silver lining in certain things. As well as Paimon who also seems to do the same.

"That's correct. Whether you got something out of it or you didn't, all that matters is that you had fun and made a friend who can give you happy memories!" I say, smiling back at him. What I said was true though. Mora, gifts, presents, it all doesn't matter if you don't feel anything from it. It's basically having a stranger giving you things at this point.

"...W-wow.. pret.." I hear Aether mumble. I heard the 'wow' part but I have no idea what he said next. 

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